Chapter 44:

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Tubbo's P.O.V.

I wasn't nervous at all. I wasn't worried at all, why would anyone think that? I'm just pacing my room back and forth, my wings buzzing softly yet quickly behind me, my antennas lowered and twitching. My hands were lost in my head, and my eyes were darting around the room, though never taking anything in.

I just watched Tommy, my best friend for childhood, almost kill the fucking king of vampires?! Not only that, but I could tell that he wasn't in his own mind. He was far away. The Tommy I knew would prowl around and growl at people on purpose, the Tommy I knew wouldn't attack someone without a reason. 

That- that thing was far from my best friend, and that terrifies me more than anything. That my best friend, that my brother, wasn't there that night. Something  else was in his body, because that wasn't him, and I was sure of that.

I hadn't come out of my room since we got back from the Ball, yet Puffy and Dream have tried countless times to try and get me to come out. I also hadn't eaten anything, which was concerning everyone else even more.

I knew what would happen if I went too long without eating, and I have reasons to believe that Tommy went through the same thing. He had always had strong morals, even if some of them weren't always good, he always believed in them with his entire being. 

I heard a knock on my door, but didn't stop pacing. I didn't even acknowledge the fact that someone was there. I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn't want to talk to anyone. Another knock sounded throughout the room, and my eyes darted toward the door and my pacing stopped. I finally acknowledged my surrounding for the first time since returning from the Ball, and noticed the wreck my room was in. A voice registered finally registered in my mind, and I finally listened in to what they were saying.

"Tubbo, bud, can I come in and talk to you? Better yet, why don't you come on out kid? Dream and Puffy haven't shut up about you, their really worried. Please, just talk to us kid, we'll be there for you." They said, and I was surprised to know that Schlatt was talking to me. I didn't really know the dude that well, other than he and Puffy were turned only three years apart, and that he was the one who turned Puffy.

I sighed, before looking over to my window. It was night out, and the stars were twinkling in the sky, and the moon was gazing down on her world below. I slowly walked over and studied the night sky. I recognized the patterns that painted the sky, going over every story there was to them. Another knock sounded through the room, but I just hummed in response.

"Tubbo? Kid, you there?" Schlatt asked again, softer this time. I smiled a little at the man's concern, I mean, he barely even knew me, and he was concerned.

"Yeah, 'm here." I said, staring happily up at the sky. I heard a hopeful okay come from behind the door, and silence followed. I just stayed there, gazing upon the hidden stories that lay in each star.

"Kid, I know that seeing Tommy shook you to your core, and I'm sorry you had to see that. I get how that feels, seeing someone you care about not even there in their own body, not in their right mind... I get what you're going through, and you don't got to do this alone." Schlatt said, ripping me out of my thoughts.

I turned towards the door, shock flooding my chest and mind. He knew?... I stared at the door, waiting for him to continue, and he did.

"I- when Puffy and I were newborns, not even 10 years old- er, vampire years, that is- she went on a blood strike. Only drank blood when she had too, and even then, I would hear her gag it all up. It hurt me, to know that she was rejecting it, and I tried to offer comfort.... but she turned angry towards me. She resented me for turning her..." I walked closer to the door, my wings and antennas lowering. I could hear him take a shuttering breath, before continuing. 

"She left. I didn't see her for weeks. I felt empty without her, I didn't know how to live anymore. I lost my sister because I wanted to stay with her forever.... it took me a while, but I finally found her, but she wasn't in good shape. Phil had managed to catch her, but she..." He gasped, and I could tell that this was hurting him more than he wanted it too. I crept closer to the door, my hands almost touching the door knob. He coughed, and I could tell that he straightened his back, trying to seem stronger than he was feeling.

"She was covered in blood, and when I looked into her eyes, I didn't see her. I saw the monster humans thought us to be. Her teeth were stained red, and her hair was bright red in some places, and a rusty color in others. It broke me inside to know that it was my fault, it was because of me that she was like that. It took a few days for her to gain her consciousness back, but once she did... Everything was fine. She didn't really remember anything, but she forgave me when I apologized, and even apologized herself. We've become closer ever since that happened."

I slowly turned the door knob, opening the door and letting the moonlight fall from my room and shine upon the being that stood outside my door. His eyes were a soft gold color, and there was a sad smile upon his face. He was in his usual attire of black sweats, but wearing a dark blue, baggy sweatshirt. His hair was a bit messed up, and his beard was a bit tangled, but he still looked the same. 

"Kid, you don't need to blame yourself for this happening to Tommy. And you shouldn't blame Phil or them either. Tommy's gonna be fine in a few days, and you can go hang out with him then. We're here for you kid, you don't have to lock yourself in your room." He said. I felt tears well up in my eyes, and before I knew it, I launched myself at the being in front of me and wrapped my small arms around him. 

He stood frozen for a minute, before hugging me back, his hands rubbing up and down my back in a comforting way. I smile, and let the tears fall from my eyes, soaking his shirt, but I didn't care that much. I was just glad someone in this house understood how I was feeling. 

Schlatt pat my back one last time, before we both let go of each other. I wiped my eyes a little, and smiled up at him. He smiled back, before gesturing towards the stairs that would lead downstairs.

"Shall we? Puffy and Dream are driving me crazy with their worrying." He said, rolling his eyes and sounding exasperated. I just giggled and nodded, walking in front of him towards the stairs. He just followed, and for the first time since seeing Tommy, I felt happy.

I raced down the stairs, and was about to race into the room where Puffy and Dream were, when I heard voices. And not just two voices, but.... four?

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Hope y'all liked the story, stay safe lovelies <3


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