Chapter 22: 10k Special

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Phil's P.O.V.

I sighed loudly, but understood Techno's and Wilbur's panic. They had just gained their baby brother, and now he was missing once again. But if they would just stop panicking for two seconds and actually used their sense of smell, they might be able to figure out that he was, in fact, still in the house, and he was just a floor up.

I watched the two of them for a minute, just letting their angering voices bicker back and forth. Once my head started to hurt, I closed my eyes and sighed, shaking my head. I walked out of the kitchen, wandering the downstairs.

I found this home centuries ago, back when I was still human. I had just turned 11 when me and the love of my life had found this. I had sworn to her that this would be our forever home, that we would live out our days chasing our children through these halls. 

I stopped at one of the only windows on the bottom floor. It showed the forest, and beyond that, the mountains that surrounded this forest. The sun had just set, letting the moon rise in the sky. It was about half way full, the pale yellow of it casting an eerie yet calm glow on the forest below.

I smiled slightly, remembering memories that happened centuries ago, before even Techno or Wilbur were born. Back when I had just turned into a vampire. Back when she was still with me. Her sparkling purple eyes swam across my vision, her warm smile blooming happiness yet sadness in my chest.

Her voice echoed through my ears, reminding me of the voice that I spent every moment I could listening too. The way that her dark hair shined in the moonlight more than it did in the sunlight. The way her eyes seemed to radiate energy that made her stand out to anyone. Everything about her. 

I looked away from the window and continued my walk of the downstairs. Even though I wanted to stay there the entire night, maybe even more, and just remember everything that she was, I couldn't. 'It does not do well to dwell on the past and forget to live' was what I always told myself whenever I wanted to that.

I had a life, a family, to take care of. I know she would be disappointed if I couldn't get over the fact that she couldn't be here to see her sons age into the vampires they are meant to be. I continued to walk, not even noticing that my feet lead me upstairs.

It was a minute before I snapped out of my thoughts to find myself in front of a familiar oak door. I took a deep breath, and my eyebrows raised when a certain scent hit my nose. Very quietly, I opened the door, making sure that no noise was heard as the door revealed the room behind it.

I looked around the bland room, and instantly I knew someone was either here or had been here. On the right wall that the door was on, was another door, but this time, it was wide open with little blankets and pillows scattered around it. I smiled, and walked in, making sure to close the door behind me.

I walked over to the mess and began to pick it up, the scent surrounding the room telling me exactly who was here. I placed the extra pillows and blankets in the closet, before quietly closing the door and inhaling, closing my eyes while i took in where the scent was coming from.

I was slightly confused when I caught the scents of Wilbur and Techno, but Tommy's scent was the most pronounced. I turned towards the corner that was usually hidden whenever the door to the hallway was opened. There was a heap of blankets that seemed to be emiting Tommy's scent.

I walked over and lifted one of the blankets near the front. When I saw what was inside, I couldn't help but start cooing at the sigh. Tommy was curled up dead asleep, Techno's cape acting as a blanket for the young racoon. He was also wearing one of my short robes along with Wilbur's mustard sweater. I glanced down and a smile forced it's way onto my face.

On the floor next to the sleeping boy, was Techno's battle skull, Wilbur's beanie, and my most used bucket hat. My feathers ruffled, and I shifted some so now I was sitting on the floor in front of the small den, admiring the boy who slept peacefully in there.

I heard silent footsteps approaching the room, and turned to see Wilbur just opening the door. Both boys walked in and immediately spotted me sitting down in front of the blanket den. I put my finger to my lips, making sure that they stayed quiet. They glanced into the den, and immediately what I can only describe as brotherly love entered their gazes as Tommy came into view.

That's when I had an idea. I stood up, causing the boys to look towards me. I just smiled, before lifting my hand towards the blanket den. Very carefully, small parts of the den began to untangle themselves and float in the air above. 

I watched as the fort undid itself, leaving the young boy below on the floor still wrapped up in his families items. The twins caught sight of what Tommy was wrapped up in, and small smiles appeared on their faces. I glanced towards the closet, before raising my hand towards it.

The closet silently opened and many more blankets and pillows floated out of it. I motioned both of my hands towards the center of the room, where the blankets and pillows busied themselves with the silent command. I glanced back at Tommy, and saw that he was more relaxed than I had seen him in a very long time.

I watched as the blankets and pillows began to form themselves into a giant, fluffy nest of sorts. As the last pillows and blankets settled down, I moved my left hand over to Tommy. I watched as the small boy began to float, the items he had snatched floating with it. The skull and beanie went back to their owners, while the hat just flew right onto my head.

I slowly levitated the blonde boy into the nest, making sure that he was comfortable. I then turned towards my other two sons.

"Why don't we all have a sleep over in here? Go get ready for bed." I said, smiling towards the end. Wilbur grinned and ran out of the room, Techno rolling his eyes before following his eager twin. I smiled, and looked back at Tommy, before sending my mind up the stairs and into my room, my hand outstretched.

Within minutes, some comfortable green pants and a black shirt zoomed into the room and right to my hands. I quickly changed into them, before sending my dirty clothes back up the stairs to my laundry hamper.

I heard the quiet footsteps of Techno and Wilbur coming back. Soon enough, both boys re-entered the room. Wilbur was wearing some black sweats and a white T-shirt, while Techno was in black basketball shorts and a red hoodie. I motioned towards the next, and the two lanky boys crawled in, settling down.

I sat down in the nest, opposite of Wilbur. Wilbur was pressed up against the wall of the next, next to Tommy, while Techno settled down by Wilbur's feet. Tommy was to my right and Techno was to my left. The twins laid down, and I watched as they both closed their eyes and their breathing evened out. I levitated two blankets over them and made sure that they were completely covered, before settling down myself.

I took one last glance around the nest, a warm ache blossoming in my chest. In that moment, I knew that our family was complete. I knew that we didn't need anyone else or anything else. We had each other, and we had an eternity to spend together.

With that thought, I closed my eyes and let unconsciousness claim my mind once again.

1379 words


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