Chapter 40:

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Tommy's P.O.V.

It sucked. Not being able to fully process what the figures in front of me were discussing, but I had enough sense to judge from their body language and the way their eyes moved, one of them was getting agitated and the other was down right pissed.

My ear flicked back and I turned my head to see two people creeping towards me, my fur beginning to raise up in alarm. I drew my lips back, turning my body without making any noise towards them in a defensive position.

That was until I saw that one of them were talking to me. Looking towards them, I saw the fluffy brown mop of hair on his head, and somehow knew I could trust them. I didn't really know how I knew, but I just got a feeling of familiarity within me as they crept even closer. 

The other male, or female, I couldn't really tell. They had long pink hair, but their face was scarred, so I'll just call them Pinkie for now. Pinkie aaannnddd.... Bark. Because the other person's hair was the color of bark, and I liked bark. Bark was comforting. 

I somehow managed to zone out in my thoughts, because next thing I know, there's a hand gently threading itself through my hair, grooming it from the mess it must have looked like. Honestly, I couldn't care what it looked like, but it did feel nice to have my hair combed. 

I opened my eyes and found Bark standing to the side of me while Pinkie somehow quietly broke the things that made me move less. I couldn't tell what they were, but I hated them so much. Then something loud caught my attention, and I whipped my head around back to the center of the room.

The man with the black comforting things on his back was still up close to the other vampire, but the hostility between the two were clear as night. Though something was wrong. The other man that he didn't like whatsoever had a smile on his face, while the man with wings was rigid. 

They were talking about something that was scaring the man with wings, and I didn't like that one bit. I felt the things wrapped around my wrists and ankles begin to loosen, but my gaze never left the two men in the front of the room. My fur slowly began to rise as I looked in the eyes of the man talking.

A snarl crept it's way up into my throat, and I bared my teeth, anger slowly absorbing my entire body. As soon as I felt the last chain snap, I launched myself up towards the man, managing not to slip on the weird material, and leaped at him, shoving the other man out of the way.

Screams were heard throughout the hall, but I didn't care. I was seeing red again. My claws sunk into the man, and I began ripping open his chest, grinning as he screamed for mercy. I snarled again, before snapping my jaws over the man's throat, sinking my teeth into his cold flesh. 

I began to suck everything out of him, even though he didn't have much blood, and the blood he did have tasted disgusting. I didn't care though. For some reason, the man he was insulting felt very close to me, and I wouldn't allow this person to insult him.

Something tugged on my tail, but I didn't let up. I wouldn't allow this man to even begin living to hurt that man again. I don't understand why I held such loyalty and protectiveness towards the man, but I did.

The thing tugged on my tail again, and I let out a warning growl towards them, loosening my grip on the man's throat. He felt that, and his hands darted up and managed to shove me to the ground. He proceeded to step on my chest, effectively keeping me on the ground. He was heaving, nothing warm in his eyes at all, though that didn't effect me.

I barked and began scratching up and down his legs, getting more and more blood on myself, though he never let up. I heard something, and his eyes darted up. Perfect. I flipped my body around and launched out from under him, making him stumble forward a bit. Quickly maneuvering my body around, I launched at him once again, but this time, on his back.

He fell, and I quickly jumped off his back and watched him tumble down the ledges. He landed in a heap on the floor, and the room went dead quiet. I began pacing above, my face still drawn back in a snarl. The man didn't get back up, and that's when my fur began to relax for the first time that night.

My ears flicked back, and I turned my head to see almost everyone in the room flicking their eyes between me and the man below. Their mouths were wide open, fear seeping in from the crowd. All their red eyes were on the scene before them, and it started to overwhelm me.

My tail lowered and tucked between my legs, and my ears flattened against my head. A small whimper escaped, and I began backing away from all the onlookers. I bumped against something, and whipped around to see Bark was right there, looking down at me.

I whimpered again, and a sad smile came across his face. His mouth was moving, but I couldn't understand what he was saying, but his tone of voice was soft and comforting. I bumped my head against his knee, rubbing my ears against his leg. I felt his hand come down and begin scratching behind my ears.

I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment. It was the first time I had been comforted like that since I was captured. Since... wait- why does this feel so familiar? His hand running through my hair, the gentle tracing on my scalp, it all felt familiar.

I felt something get poked into my leg, and quickly turned around, jaws already snapping at what it was. A man stumbled backwards away from me, his eyes wide as he stared at me. He... he had black wings. The man with wings!

I glanced into his hand to see something clear yet pointy in his hands. Carefully sniffing the air, I sneezed when the smell hit me. It didn't smell right at all. Looking at my leg, I saw a drop of blood there, slowly rolling down my calf. My eyes widened as I put two and two together.

He injected something in me.

Turning back towards him, my mind started to get fuzzy and white dots started to dance around my vision. I let out a meek growl, and took a wobbly step forward, but my body didn't feel right. It was almost like I was floating on a cloud, like all my limbs weren't attached to me. It just felt.... wrong.

Taking a step back, I ended up falling on my side, the dots slowly increasing across my vision. I felt someone pick my head up and place it on something other than the cold, hard ground. Glancing up, I could barely make out the face of bark as he cradled my head. I groaned, closing my eyes as my body began to numb even more.

It wasn't long before I fell oblivious to the outside world, letting the darkness envelope my mind.

1237 words

5. Days. Later.


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