Chapter 47:

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No one's P.O.V.

Crickets sang within the forest, the dark green of the trees swaying with the light breeze that ran through them. An owl hooted in the distance, searching for it's family, while a mother bird settled down in her nest, the branches of her tree shielding her babies from most predators.

Nature works in mysterious ways, and often times, those ways can't be explained. Such as this.

The moon had just passed it's highest point when something happened.

Even though it wasn't visible, a pulse began in the ground. Animals became startled when it passed them, the trees would sway even more than before, and water would ripple with pulse. It was as if the ground itself was sending a message. A message that no one knew how to interpret....

Except Anchileous.

The ancient vampire was wandering through his stone halls, something nagging at the back of his mind, but he payed it no mind. After all, things had been nagging at him for thousands of years now. 

He hummed slightly to himself, coming across one of the many windows in his castle. While it was true that vampires were allergic to the sun, he had a special ability that allowed him to stand within sunlight for long periods of time. Therefore he was one of the only vampires that were up and about during the daytime.

His humming stopped abruptly, his eyes narrowing into the scene outside his window. While no one else could see it, there was green energy waves pushing through the earth, disturbing the nature that surrounded it. He had scene this multiple times before, but never green. And never this visible to him.

Usually, when he saw these things, it was a week after the Blood Moon Ball, when he allowed the newborns to be taken home, and that energy wave would be the sign that a vampire coven was complete, that they found the last missing piece.

If it was a small family, the energy wave would be small, incredibly small, while larger families that took time to find the missing piece would have larger energy waves, but the colors were all unique to the family. The color usually correlated with the founder's eye color, the one they usually had. 

His eyes widened a little further when a purple energy serge followed the green wave. The two energy waves wove together, forming a gray energy serge. The serge was more powerful than any serge that Anchileous has seen in all of his years. 

Anchileous has also never seen the two serges merge together and form a completely new energy. This energy seeped into the ground, making everything surrounding buzz with new life. The vampire king stared in shock at the outside, not quite understanding what was happening. After all of his centuries, why was this happening just now?

Forgetting what he was originally going to do, Anchileous turned and started to walk very quickly towards the library. He needed to know what exactly was happening. In his thousand years of existance, he had never seen this happen, but that doesn't mean that it hadn't happened before. After all, he wasn't the very first vampire to be bitten.

Dozens of miles away from the intrigued and slightly concern vampire king, a vampire mother is freaking out, but in a good way. The vampire with the curly white hair stared at her family, a smile slowly spreading across her face. Tears of pure joy streaming down her face. Her brother came up behind her, a shocked look on his face as he looked at the three children in the room, his eyes shifting colors very quickly. He put his hand on his sister's shoulder, and she put hers over his, squeezing his fingers tightly.

Someone ran down the hall, harsh panting being heard, and the two siblings turned to see the sister's oldest son standing there, his shark skin gone and his eyes wild as something dark stained his shirt.

"Where.... where are they..." He panted out, his body shaking from what he just went through. He still wasn't used to the two new weights added to his head, causing his neck to hurt slightly. They were very similar to his mothers, growing out from his head and beginning to curl around his ears, but stead of making two loops like his ungle, they stuck straight up after the first loop. 

His mother gave him a small smile, before stepping aside so he could see the three kids laying in the room. He gave her a small smile in return, before turning his gaze to the three children in the room. Once his gaze connected with the new appendages they all had, he froze, his jaw parting in shock and his heart skipping a beat.

New footsteps were heard racing down the hallway towards them, and when they turned the corner, the blonde man came to an abrupt stop, staring at the six people in front of him. He was used to two of those 6 people have horns curling around their head, not all 6 of them. 

He looked at his older brother, at the unique shape his horns had grown in, and the dark stain that spread on the neck of his shirt. He huffed out a chuckle, placing his hands on his knees as he bent over, trying to get air into his lunges.

"Hey Fools... didn't think you could... get any heavier..." he laughed out. Foolish turned to look at his brother, a small smirk playing onto his face.

"Kettle, I'd shut up before you blow your top off." Foolish said. The blonde man gapped at his brother, before launching himself at the eldest of the two, causing both of them to go down. Both were laughing as they wrestled with each other, and their mother just looked at the two of them, exasperated.

The three kids looked over at the two men wrestling on the ground, and the youngest one let out a small giggle. This caused her brother to smile, holding back a laugh as well, which caused the oldest of the three to start smiling too. The young ones started laughing as the two men rolled on the floor. They were laughing themselves.

The mother looked at her boys fondly, smiling through the tears that were still dripping down her face. Her brother's hand was still on her shoulder, and she squeezed it a little bit tighter, her smile becoming bigger as he squeezed her shoulder back.

She looked over at him, and saw that he was smiling too. A warm feeling blossomed in her chest, and she turned and hugged her brother, crying happily into his shoulder. He just laughed wetly and hugged her closer, rubbing her back soothingly.

"They're all here.... J, they've come home..." she whispered, laughter coming out with a sob.

"Shh, I know Puffs, I know.... They're home..." He whispered back, kissing her head lovingly and watching as the two boys laughed on the ground, the three kids laughing on the bed as well. Sunlight filtered through the protective glass, making all the horns in the house gleam and shine. It was as if the sun itself wanted to remind them that their little family was complete.

Everyone was home. Their herd was complete. Everyone had come home finally.

Schlatt smiled as he watched Dream and Foolish laugh with eachother, while Tubbo hugged Finley and Foolish Jr. closer to him. He watched as the two kids tucked in closer to their new uncle, snuggling up to his sides as they watched their father and his brother mess around on the floor.

It only took a couple hundred years, but they had done it. They had found their family.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01 ⏰

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