Chapter 39:

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Third Person P.O.V.

Tommy's red eyes never left the king's, knowing that this was a threat of dominance. The savage vampire could feel the power in the room, yet instead of accepting it like the others, he defied it. No one was going to tell him what he was allowed to do. Not even the king of some dead race.

Phil watched from behind the crowd as his unofficial son directly challenged the king in his crazed state. He realized that if he didn't get the boy out of here soon, Tommy wouldn't be able to get out of this place for the rest of his eternal life. 

As silently as possible, the blonde spread his wings and took off, leaving behind a faint breeze that had the people below him shivering. They thought nothing off it though, assuming that it was just a gust seeping in through the window cracks. 

Wilbur and Techno had finally managed to make it to the edge of the crowd, but they were frozen in shock at the state that Tommy was in. Techno more than Wilbur. Wilbur had seen Tommy in this state before, but usually he was in his right mind. Not on a crazed blood high.

Techno stared at the matted blonde-now-brown hair, the sticks and twigs sticking out the ratted fur and tattered clothes. His heart ached at the sight of the boy that had somehow clawed his way into his stone heart. 

Another growl ripped from the young vampires mouth, his lips curled back back in a permanent snarl. He couldn't let them see his fear. He couldn't let them see that he was afraid, especially the man in front of him. Tommy could sense that the vampire before him held more power than he ever could, but he wouldn't let that show. He never followed the rules, and he wasn't about to start doing that now. 

The king looked bemusedly at the rapid vampire, the clogs turning in his head. He knew that there wasn't a single family that would be willing to take the changling in with them, but at the same time, it wasn't old enough to join the army. It had a least a few more hundred years before it would be ready. So what could he do with it?...

Then an idea struck him. Staring down at the creature before him, a sinister grin came across Anchileous' face. Why give it up... when he could keep it as a pet! Yes! He could showcase it, and threaten people with it!

That was the perfect plan! That way nobody would ever think to mess with the king ever again, and when the boy turned of age to join the army, he could just starve the changling to keep it rabid so it would be the deadliest weapon out on any battle field! It was brilliant!

"Guards, bring the cage back in and get some new chains for it. By tomorrow, I want it on display somewhere in this hall!" Anchileous exclaimed, his eyes twinkling with curiosity, never leaving the vampire before him.

Tommy couldn't really process what they were saying, but judging off of the king's body language, he knew that a decision was being made about him. It made his hairs stand up in alarm even more, and made his adrenaline kick into overdrive much more than previously. 

Everyone in the hall, simultaneously, had their jaws dropping at the king's order. They knew that the vampire king had a terrible, twisted mind, but no one was able to stand up to Anchileous and kill him for the throne. He was just too old, he had been around too long. The only other person who could have any chance of beating him in a fight was the one who got turned with him, which nobody knew the whereabouts of that particular vampire.

Disgust rippled through the crowd, and many of them started to back away from the throne the king stood near. They were repulsed that he would actually consider chaining a vampire, one of their own kind, and keeping them on display because they were on a blood high.

Though none were more disgusted then the boy's family themselves. Wilbur, Techno, and Phil's hearts would have stopped right then and there if they were still pumping. All at once, anger washed over them so strongly, the whole room felt a shift of power. People began to get more on edge when they felt the waves of rage radiating off of certain individuals in the room, though they could never identify which individuals they were.

Unfortunately, Anchileous could also sense the shift of power in the room. The grin slowly disappeared from his features, and his eyes left the creature in front of him, opting to scan the crowd for whoever had taken the spotlight off of himself. 

Phil had decided that he'd had enough, and without missing a beat, stopped beating his wings and let himself fall through the hair like a rock dropping into the ocean, gravity pulling him down to the surface at a very fast rate.

Right before he hit the ground, he spread his wings and landed in a kneeled position, his eyesight landing towards the ground. All sound in the room previously had gone silent, everyone watching what was happening.

Tommy looked at the new figure with a mixture of panic and worry. Though the worry wasn't for himself. It was for the figure with the black, soft looking things on his back. The sight of the dark green was familiar to him, but he just couldn't place his finger- well, claw- on it.

Phil slowly lifted himself up, his red eyes locking onto the widened ones of his old friend. The room was completely silent, everyone's gaze locked onto the two figures standing off towards each other. After a few moments of silence, an awkward cough was produced from Anchileous, who regained his composure shortly after that.

"Philza, dearest friend! You should really stay away from the beast, it looks like-"

"He looks like my son." Phil spat out, his words sending chills down the king's spine. Everyone was silent. Nobody dared to move, nobody dared to cough, sneeze, or make any noise whatsoever. Anchileous stared at the man before him, taking into account not only Phil's words, but the anger that seizing the room, grabbing their attention and holding it. He shook his head, his eyebrows furrowing.

"What do you mean that's your son?" He said, disgust creeping into his voice. He had expected better from his old friend, but really, that was asking too much of him. Anchileous let his eyes glance over to Phil's other two.... boys, if you could even call them that- and saw that they were standing on the edge of the crowd, both glaring up at him. 

"I mean that changling down there, the one you said you would chain and put on display for the entire fucking world to see. That is my son. That is my changling, and you are disrespecting my family by keeping him here." Phil said, his teeth grinding against each other in blatant rage. 

"Philza, I get that you like taking in the underdogs, but you can not seriously be considering keeping that- that creature down there?!" The king exclaimed, disgust overtaking his features. Though the disgust the king openly showed only fueled Phil's anger towards the vampire.

"I am most definitely keeping that boy down there." Phil said, taking a step up towards the king. Anchileous was taller than Phil (most people were) but that didn't stop the king from cowering away. "That child down there has been through hell and back, and I am not letting you take him away from me." Phil spat out, his wings flaring up a little bit. Though at the man's words, the king just scoffed.

"Well, I'm pretty sure that I'm going to have to take him away from you on the account that he can not keep our secret." Anchileous countered, a smirk making it's way up onto his face. Phil froze, his eyes narrowing accusingly towards the man. At the realization Phil didn't know, Anchileous' smirk just widened.

"You didn't hear? Your precious -ahem- boy down there decided it would be alright to kill 32 humans from Raccoon Clearing all the way to Cherry Pine road. Why do you think he is so crazy? Some father you must be, can't even get a grip on your changling-"

With a loud snap of metal breaking apart and claws scrapping against marble, Phil got pushed aside as Tommy launched himself at the king of vampires.

1488 words

-deeep inhale-

HOLY SHIT, IT HAS BEEN TO. FUCKING. LONG. I am sooooo sorry guys that I haven't updated this in a bit, I just kinda lost motivation for it-

That also might be because I got into a different era, but we don't talk about that- 


I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and hopefully there will be more to come :3


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