Chapter 12:

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Tommy's P.O.V

I felt heat on my eye's, but didn't open them. I didn't want to face today. I just wanted to sleep in. I knew that Tubbo was going to wake me up in a minute, but I didn't care. I just wanted to lay here forever.

Sure enough, I hear the sound of a door opening and someone walking towards me. I turn over and wrap the blanket that was covering me closer to me. Wait... blanket. Tubbo and I didn't have a blanket... and our treehouse didn't have a door. And it was way to warm to be outside right now.

My eyes shot open, and I saw I was in a bed. It had gray sheets, and a dark blue comforter. I looked around the room and saw that the walls were a light gray, almost white, while there was white trim around it.

The bed was huge, with what looked like dark grey, almost black curtains pinned up on the sides. I sat up, and groggily looked around the room. It was very neat. There was a desk sitting next to a window, which as stained grey.

I looked around, and my ears lay flat against my head when I saw who was at the door. My pupils slit and I quietly growled at the man in the door. He just had a smirk on his face, amusement in his eyes.

"So you're finally up?"

"Where am I?! Bitch, what the fuck did you do-"

"Tommy, relax. You're safe, in your new home." Phil said, smiling softly at me. My fur started to rise. I did not feel at home at all. In fact, I felt like a fucking prisoner. And I was going to tell him that.

"Why?! Why the fuck are you doing this to me?! I DON'T FUCKING WANT THIS!! Why don't you get that?! You're just making me a prisoner! Might as well kill me now!" I yelled at him, not even noticing that there were tears in my eyes. 

The only family I had known, the only people who had been there for me, wanted to kill me. Drink the blood from my veins, see the life die out of my eyes. I don't know why they waited a few years to kill me, but I would've preferred it if they killed me as soon as they found me. Actually, I would've preferred getting killed when my family was.

My vision clouded, and I didn't even notice that I was crying. Memories started to flash before my eyes, like they always did when I cried. I saw the man who killed my parents. The man who had fear in his eyes as I attacked him. I saw Tubbo, crying because he scrapped his knee, and Dream and me helping him.

I saw Wilbur and I playfully fighting while Dream and Tubbo were laughing. I saw Phil and when he tried to teach me how to read, before we discovered that Tubbo could read as well. I saw Wilbur playing tag with us in the woods. I saw Dream buying us some bread that would last us at least a week food wise.

I felt arms wrap around me, and I didn't really care. The memories would go away, and I just cried harder, knowing that it was all a lie. Everything that was good about my life was a lie. Now, I was trapped inside of a house with vampires, not knowing where my best friend is, but knowing that we can never live together again.

I felt the arms tighten, before I felt myself getting lifted and walked out of the room. I closed my eyes tightly, and dug my nails into my palms, trying to stop the memories from coming, but it didn't stop. Each and every memory that came was more painful than the last.

My sister and I playing in the pond, getting our clothes wet. Momma scolding us with amusement when she caught us playing in the dirt. The nights that we would all curl up on the sofa in front of the fire place while Father told us stories of his adventures in the woods. 

I heard the soft thump of footsteps as we walked down a hallway. I opened my eyes a bit, and saw that Phil was carrying me. I turned my head to find that there were giant doors in front of us, with a huge heart that had two lines in it. (Hardcore heart)

Phil pushed open the door with his foot, and closed it. Inside was obsidian everywhere, with a singular white couch in the middle of it. There were candles lit everywhere, and I got goosebumps from this place. My ears flattened, and I had to bite down a whimper that threatened to escape.

Phil set me on the couch, and I looked around. My face paled once I realized what was going to happen. What this room was. I jumped up and made a run for it towards the door. But, apparently, Phil saw that coming.

Before I knew what was happening, my feet were off the ground, and I was hovering about 2 feet off the ground. My eyes widened, and I started to thrash around in mid air. I looked behind me to see Phil giving me a sad smile, his eyes blood red, and his hand out towards me. I gulped, and knew there was fear in my eyes, but I didn't try to conceal it. I was terrified, and he knew it.

"LET ME GO! PLEASE, LET ME GO! HELP! HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!" I screamed, hoping someone would hear me. I felt myself getting pulled towards Phil, and I started to scream louder, trying desperately to leave. But it was no use.

I felt arms wrap around me, and struggled against them. When they never let up, I just broke down. All you could hear through the room was sobbing, my sobbing. I had tried so hard to get away from this, away from them, away from all of this. But it was inevitable.

Phil pulled me into his lap as he sat down, and we sat there, me just crying while he ran his fingers through my hair, trying to comfort me. It started to work, but the tears never stopped. The overwhelming panic never went away. The thoughts that everything that I tried to fight against, that I tried to run from, was for nothing.

I felt Phil's hand land on my cheek, just under my jaw. I felt him lightly push my head to the side, giving him a bigger range to my neck. I started to tremble, and tears started to flow out even more. Phil noticed this, and gave me a small smile.

"It's alright, mate. This won't hurt that much."

He ducked his head down, and I could feel his fangs sink into my skin, before white hot pain erupted through my body and I passed out, ringing invading my hearing.

1178 words


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