Chapter 7:

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Tubbo's P.O.V

I slowly opened my eyes, groaning in pain. There was a throbbing in my neck, along with my mouth. I couldn't feel anything else though. I shut my eyes tight when the pain in my mouth increased, and a dull ache started to go through my body.

I was incredibly sore and I didn't know why. I slowly sat up, tossing my legs over the side of the bed so that I was no sitting up on the bed. One of my hands went up and cupped my jaw, my eyes still screwed up in pain.

I opened them slowly and looked down towards my hand. I froze. It was white, deathly white. My eyes widened, and I quickly stood up, dizziness consuming me. I stubbled for a second, before standing still. I slowly brought up both of my hands towards my face, seeing that they were still deathly white.

I had always been pale, but they had never been that white. I hurriedly looked around the room, looking for something that was reflective. I saw a mirror in the corner, and slowly walked over to it. I looked in it, and jumped back, shocked.

There was nothing in the mirror. I was standing right in front of it, but there was no reflection. I was so confused, until it hit me. I froze. My breath started to increase as I started to hyperventilate. 

My hands started to shake, and I looked around again, desperate for something to show me  myself. I saw a window, and almost sprinted over to it. I looked in it, and stopped breathing for a second. Or what felt like a second.

All of my skin was deathly pale, white even. My eyes I saw changed color, until they a swirl between an orange and a blue green. I just stood there, looking at myself. I slowly opened my mouth, and started crying once I saw what was in there.

There were two large fangs inside of my mouth. Meaning that I had been turned. I wasn't just a bee hybrid anymore. 

I was a fucking vampire. And I needed to get out of here. 

I realized that the window was unlocked, and looked towards the door. I knew that it was locked, since the handle looked more tense then normal. I took a deep breath, calming myself down for a second.

I opened the window and looked around. It was around mid-day, which means that I had been here for about 4 hours. I climbed out of the window, and jumped, extending my wings as I went down.

They started to buzz, and soon enough, I was hovering in the air. Without a second thought, I sped towards the forest, wind screaming in my eyes. It didn't drown out the yelling that I heard though.

As I was flying away, I heard voices yelling at me, telling me to stop and come back. I looked back to see four figures, two in the window that I just jumped out of, and two running after me on foot. The two in the window were Puffy and Schlatt, and the two on the ground were Dream and someone who was much, much taller than him.

I didn't study him too long, deciding instead to fly faster than before. Soon enough, I was zipping over the tree tops, trying to find the village. 

After about 5 minutes of flying, I saw the smoke arising from the village, and zoomed over the top of it. Nobody really paid any attention to me, though I could imagine what the children would think when they see a boy flying over head of them. Luckily the clouds were covering the sun, so I wasn't getting burned to bad.

Soon enough, I came upon the entrance that Tommy and I always met up at after stealing, and zoomed down and through it. I flew quickly under the tree tops, weaving in an out of the trees. Soon enough, I saw our oak, and flew straight into the home that we had made when we were 9.

I landed, and realized that I had been crying. I collapsed on the floor right there, curling in on myself. And I cried. I just sat there, crying, realizing that there was no way I was ever going to be normal again.

I didn't even hear the ragged breathing that was coming towards the tree. I didn't hear someone climbing it, nor landing on one of the platforms. I did, however, hear the voice that called my name.

"...Tubbo?" I looked up, seeing a confused and scared Tommy standing there. I could tell that he was close to tears, and I knew that it broke him seeing me crying like this. 

"Tommy?" I whispered, wrapping my arms around myself. God, I hoped that it was him, and not just some hallucination. I saw him walk over to me, and he wrapped his arms around me, bringing me into a tight hug. I started to sob and hugged him back tightly.

"T-tommy... t-tommy, he- he's o-one of them..." I choked out, wanting him to know that. I assumed he knew who and what I was talking about, for he hugged me tighter. He then set his head on my shoulder, too close to the place where Dream bit me.

I flinched. This caused Tommy to lift his head, and look at me, concern clear in his eyes. His gaze drifted down to my neck, where I could now feel bandages wrapped around it. His eyes traced the place where Dream bit me, and realization hit his eyes, making me cry even more.

"...he bit you."

I started sobbing even harder, my body trembling in Tommy's arms. I fisted his shirt, and tried to stop, but tears kept flowing out. I nodded my head, and rested it against Tommy's chest. Then he did something that surprised me.

I thought that he would push me away. I expected him to scream at me, calling me a monster. I expected him to run away in fear, fear that I was going to bite him too. Instead, he pulled me closer to him, rubbing my back comfortingly. This only made me cry even more.

And that's how we sat for a long time. Just me and Tommy, wrapped in each other's arms. After what felt like only 5 minutes, but was probably an hour, I looked up at Tommy. I saw there were tear stains on his face, and he gave me a weak smile.

"Hey, ssshh, it's alright Tubzo. I'm not leaving you, no matter if your a vampire or not. We're best friends, and nothing, nothing, can change that, alright big man? I'm always gonna be here, whether you like it or not." He said. The last thing he said caused me to laugh, a smile presenting itself on my face.

This in turn made him smile, which made me smile even more. I wiped my eyes, happy that he wasn't going to leave me.

"Thanks, bossman." I said. He smiled, and gave me a big nod. I opened my mouth to say something more, but then I noticed that in the span of 5 seconds, his fur rose, and his eyes turned into pupils. This had me worried.

He tensed up, and his eyes started to dart around the place, almost searching for something. Anything that I was about to say died in my throat, as I watched him. His eyes finally met mine, and all I could see was fear.

"Tommy, what is it?"

"They found us."

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