Chapter 20:

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Wilbur's P.O.V.

Dad and I decided to leave Tommy and Techno alone for a bit so they could bond. Even though we both knew that they were just going to sleep. I smiled before closing my eyes and taking a deep breath, letting the fresh air hit my lungs, the scent of rain still clear in the air.

I heard Phil chuckle next to me, and turned to look at him, confused.

"Why are you laughing?"

"No reason, you just looked like an old man who hasn't been out in years doing that." He said, still walking and looking around in the trees. I stopped dead in my tracks, my eyes wide and an offended look on my face. Phil turned back around and started laughing at my face.

"Yeah, well your ancient ass can hardly talk." I retorted, starting to walk again. Phil just shook his head, his laughing dying down. We now walked in silence. It was a comfortable silence. I can't remember the last time Phil and I did this.

Usually, I was hanging out with the small gremlin child, or Phil would be at 'work'. Techno never really liked to come outside unless it was for sparing, so Phil was really the only one I could do this with. Other than Tommy, but that boy was just so energetic and loud. 

I can't wait for him to actually become our baby brother. It'll take a few days, but I can feel that Tommy is slowly giving in to his new fate. He's slowly accepting that this is the new normal and he's going to have to live with it. 

I guess I was too deep in thought, because Phil bumped his shoulder into mine, startling me out of my thoughts.

"Sorry- what did you say?" I asked, turning towards him, seeing a small smile.

"Are you good, mate? You looked deep in thought. Mind telling me what's bugging you?" He asked, turning onto a little trail we made centuries ago. It lead to the lake that would sometimes have people trying to catch fish in. 

I stayed quiet for a bit as we walked towards our spot, letting the silence cover us in a blanket of awkwardness. I really wanted to tell him what was on my mind, but I was just... scared. Scared that he was going to laugh at me. I know he's my vampire dad, but I still had this underlying fear...

"Wilbur... tell me what's bothering you, mate. And don't lie to me saying your find, alright? That's bullshit, and you know it." Phil said calmly, looking out at the lake. I laughed slightly, glad that he had a sense of humor.

"Okay... It's about Tommy. I just... I love him like my little brother, and I knew that he was going to be one of us someday, but now that he actually is one of us, it's just... I can't wrap my mind around it. I've been living the past 5 years with this kid, I watched him grow up, I've watched him struggle, everything. And now to finally see he has a home, and with my family... I just can't help but feel... happy." I said, not even realizing there were tears in my eyes.

I watched as the sun slowly sank in the horizon, the tears slowly spilling out of my eyes. I had watched Tommy and Tubbo through the years, making sure that they always had something to eat. I wanted so badly to give them a home, but kids go feral when they get turned, so I would've had to wait anyways to take them home.

Then Dream came along and he and Tubbo got along like brothers. That was the moment our plan began to play out. We both felt empty, and Tubbo and Tommy filled that gap. I couldn't have asked for a better brother... even if Tommy was an annoying little shit at times.

I turned to see Phil smiling at me. I smiled back, and we turned back to see the sun fully sink below the horizon, letting the moon make its run. Phil got up and I followed, wiping under my eyes to get rid of any evidence that I was crying.

We made our way back, but this time we enjoyed the crickets that sang in the forest, not even thinking about anything really. It was a beautiful night, something we get often here but we never really appreciate. That was something that Tubbo taught me: some of the most beautiful things in life are the ones that you don't even think about that are always there.

We made it to the house, and opened the door to see all the lights on and soft footsteps coming from near the kitchen. My eye brows furrowed and I slowly walked towards the kitchen, a lump forming in my throat.

We rounded the corner to be face to face with a disgruntled looking Techno. He looked hurt, panicked, and frustrated all at once. I had never seen him like this.

"Techno?" I said, cocking my head to the side. He turned towards me, his eyes blazing with relief and an underlying feeling of fear. My stomach started to twist in a bad manner, not liking where this was heading. "Techno, what's wrong? Where's Tommy?"

Techno immediately tensed hearing Tommy's name. Weird. He gave me an awkward smile, his hand reaching to scratch the back of his neck, his eyes looking anywhere but Phil and I.  I definitely didn't like where this was going.

"Heeyy, how are you guys? Where'd you guys go? Did you go on your little walk you two always did?" Techno said quickly, switching the topic very fast. I narrowed my eyes, just now seeing how nervous Techno was. What did he do.

"Techno, what the fuck did you do?" Phil asked calmly, taking a step forward and setting a hand on my shoulder. I tensed and watched as Techno dropped his gaze to his feet, mumbling something incoherent.

"I'm sorry, but I don't think you spoke loud enough. Could you try again?" Phil asked, crossing his arms and staring at Techno. I kind of felt bad for him, but he wasn't telling us something so all that guilty just flew out the window.

Techno nervously looked at us, before darting his eyes down to the floor again, and speaking very quickly yet again.

"iwokeupandtommywasgoneandidontknowwhereheispleasedontgetmadivebeentryingtofindhimforanhouralreadyandicantseemtofindhim." He said with one breath. I stared at him, trying to decipher what the fuck he just said. Apparently Phil was having a hard time with it as well.

"Mate, you need to chill the fuck out and tell us what the fuck happened-"

"Where's Tommy?" I asked, done with his bullshit. The whole kitchen was silent. My fucking god.

"We leave for an hour and YOU FUCKING LOST TOMMY?!"

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