Chapter 28:

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No one's P.O.V.

Tubbo paced back and forth in his room, thinking. He knew that there was no way he was going to get past Dream's room to the outside, and his window was locked, so what was he going to do? He had to meet up with Tommy, he had to make sure everything was ok and that Tommy was happy.

They hadn't gone without seeing each other for more than a few hours before. Now, it's been days since either one of them have spoken to one another. Tubbo was getting worried. That's why he needed to get out: not only to talk about what was coming up, but to make sure that his best friend was ok.

He glanced back over to his locked window. There were chains keeping the panes closed, making it almost hopeless to escape. He wondered if he couldn't escape, how was he supposed to get Charlie back? Make another one?

Then an idea popped into his head. He stared at the chains for a moment, hope rising in his chest. Racing towards his work bench that Dream had gotten him, he began working on what he hoped would help him. Only time would tell.

Across the forest, however, Tommy was squished in between the twins as they slept, though he was wide awake. He had woken up not long before, but was struggling on getting out. Wilbur was still clutching to him as if he was the older's stuffed bear, while Techno just laid there, stiff as a board.

Tommy wondered if Techno slept on the floor from how stiff he was laying, but shook the thoughts off before attempting to get up yet again. He slowly grabbed Wilbur's wrists, causing the other to shift slightly. Very slowly and carefully, the young blonde began to extract the other's arms from around him.

Wilbur shifted in his sleep, causing Tommy to freeze, but sigh in relief when the older completely turned away from him, his arms going with him. 'Well that was much easier' Tommy thought, before he slowly got on his hands and knees and began to crawl towards the end of the bed. He made sure that his tail didn't brush against the twins' legs.

The blue eyed boy didn't know how light of sleepers these two were, so he had to be extra cautious when getting out. Soon enough, he slid off the bed, his socked feet hitting the frigid floor. He found that the cold didn't bother him as much as it used to. Must be a perk of being immortal.

He hurried out of the room, staying quiet as possible. He didn't know where Phil was, and he wasn't sure if his footsteps would wake one of the older boys. He didn't even want to endure the panic they were sure to have if they woke up to find him missing.

He managed to climb the stairs quite quickly, not being noticed by anyone in the house. Letting out a breath of relief he didn't know he had been holding in, the racoon hurried down the hall towards his room. He wasn't sure why his room was on the third floor, but it might have something to do with Tommy escaping from it the first time he was brought here.

Shivers went down his spine as he thought about the first time he realized these guys were vampires. He remembered the disgust he felt with being friends with them, the rage and hurt that tightened his chest to the point it was difficult to breath. All that was gone now.

They had hidden everything that they did, all the trauma that they gave him with caring arms and a loving home. Tommy's eyes widened as he realized what they were doing: they were trying to make him forget what they did to him. To be honest, he was trying to forget too.

He had gone so long without a family, that when they opened their arms, the young racoon didn't even have second thoughts about running into them. He just wanted a home. A real home. Not one were he scrounged for food out of dumpsters and had to steal to gain good foo. He didn't want that life.

Getting up to his room, he quickly changed into something that was more fitting for the night: dark jeans, and a black sweatshirt that he stole from Techno (though he would never tell him that). He quickly put on his ragged shoes, before walking over to the window. 

The moon had just begun its journey across the sky, which told Tommy it was still early in the night. If he wanted to get to the treehouse by moon high, he had to leave now. Without another thought, he unlatched the window from its lock, and let it swing open silently.

The cold breeze blew past him into the room, making him close his eyes and exhale. It was a relief to feel the cold wind after being locked up for so long. Adrenaline started to pump through his body, excitement filling his chest. 

He looked out into the night, the breeze being one of familiarity. Doubt started to fill his mind. Did he really want to know what Tubbo had to tell him? He didn't want to think even worse of them, but he did need to know. If he wanted to trust them, he needed to know what they were keeping from him.

And with that, he jumped out the window and into the night.

Hello!! Have a chapter for I am not having a great day right now. I dropped my smoothie this morning from dutch bro's and I was really sad about that :( I really wanted that smoothie ToT

Anyways, have a great day! Sorry for the somewhat short chapter.


959 words!

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