Chapter 5:

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No one's P.O.V.

The two males watched as Wilbur and Tommy made their way away. Dream looked over at his baby brother, smiling underneath the mask. If only he knew what was coming.

"Alright, I have some people that are very excited to meet you, Tubbo! Why don't we go back now?" Dream suggested, causing the bee hybrid to turn towards him. He nodded, and they both started off towards Dream's home, Tubbo's wings fluttering and causing him to hover off the ground.

Dream got an idea, but he didn't want to do it right now. Besides, he would scare the poor kid. The silence between them was comforting to the younger boy, seeing as he'd been around Tommy for 7 years as of today. He was excited to get the boy a present for his 13th birthday.

The two of them have been saving up enough money so that they could get an apartment in town instead of having to live in the tree house in the woods. He was glad he didn't have to spend that money on getting Tommy something, knowing that the merchants selling prized items weren't going to be fooled that easily.

They walked down a winding path, before they entered a clearing. They were at the back of a huge woodland mansion, with vines crawling up it. They had entered the back garden, and Tubbo got excited when he heard the calming buzz of bees that were flying around.

He flew over to some of the flowers, watching as the bees collected pollen to make honey. He smiled, knowing that they were doing this to protect and care for their family. Something Tubbo always wanted to do. 

Dream watched the boy, proud of his decision. None of his family had met the boy, not even his friends had met him, but he was excited to introduce Tubbo to them. He was excited to have a baby brother at last. 

"C'mon Tubbo, the foods inside. You can come play with the bees in a little bit." Dream said, walking towards the back door. Tubbo nodded, taking one more look at the bees, before flying over and landing right behind Dream.

Dream's eyes softened looking at the overly excited boy. They both walked in and was greeted with the sweet smell of french toast. Dream grinned at the smell, while Tubbo wondered what it was. It smelled like bread, but a lot sweeter.

His antennas twitched, and the boys made their way over to a kitchen, where there was a female at the stove, cooking something. She had long, curly white hair, and two horns poking out of her hair. She had white floppy goat ears.

She turned around, sensing the boys' presence, and Tubbo was startled. Her eyes. They kept changing color, before deciding on a rose purple. He was in awe at her eye color.

"Hello, duckling! Is this Tubbo?" The woman said, glancing at her son and the bee hybrid. Dream nodded, before taking off his cloak and setting it down on a coat hook that was near the door. He kept his mask on.

"Tubbo, this is my mom, Puffy." Dream explained. Tubbo smiled sheepishly at the woman, and Puffy had to stop herself from cooing at how cute it was. Dream certainly made a good choice for a baby brother.

They heard footsteps on the stairs that weren't that far from the kitchen, but decided to ignore it. However, Tubbo grew even more nervous. After a moment, a man walked into the kitchen, his hair a mess, wearing a long sleeve and sweats.

"'Morning sis. Whatcha making?" The man said, yawning. Puffy rolled her eyes, before jerking her head towards the boys.

"I'm making some french toast. Dream has.... a friend over." Puffy said, emphasizing the word friend, which confused the heck out of Tubbo. The man turned towards the insect hybrid, and Tubbo was once again shocked. The man's eyes changed, before deciding on a deep brown. 'It must run in the family' Tubbo thought.

The man grinned, and looked at Dream, asking for confirmation. Dream nodded, and the grin on his face widened even more.

"Hello! I'm Schlatt, Dream's uncle." he explained. Tubbo got a better look at the man. He had dark brown hair, contrasting Puffy's white hair and Dream's blonde hair. He had a scraggly beard, and two horns that were poking out of his curly hair, much like Puffy's. 

"Nice to meet you, sir. I'm Tubbo!" The boy said, remembering the manners that his parents had beaten into him. Schlatt frowned slightly, hearing his mannerism, and so did the other two. Puffy took the food off the grills, before evenly dividing the breakfast among four plates, handing them out to their respected people.

"Bon Appetit!" She said. Tubbo was confused about the word, but shrugged it off, picking up one of the pieces of french toast. Puff and Schlatt gave him a weird look, but Dream merely smiled, before explaining to his parents.

"Tubbo's been on his own for a while, he hasn't ever seen silverware." Tubbo's antennas lowered a little, and his eyes drifted towards the weird pitchfork looking thing and the small dagger. Is that what they call silverware? He shrugged before taking a bite out of the warm breakfast food.

His eyes lit up, and he continued to eat the sweet thing. Schlatt got out a wooden bottle, before pouring the substance over his food. When he was done, he gave it to Puffy, who did the same and then handed it to Dream, who also did the same thing.

They all began eating, before Tubbo noticed the substance that was dripping off the rest of the groups plates. His eyebrows furrowed together as he silently assessed the substance. It was a deep dark red, and it was thick as well. 

He got a whiff of it, before he realized what it was. His face paled, and he looked up to see Schlatt and Puffy happily munching on the food, their eyes now a bright, angry red. He glanced at Dream, and saw that he took his mask off.

Dream had many burns and scars going across his face, the most prominent one being the scar over his nose. His eyes were the same angry red as the other two. Tubbo's antennas started to shake, and his leg bounced in fear. He finally understood what the changing eye color meant. 

The three other people in the room sensed the nervousness and unease, plus shock that radiated off the boy. In synch, they looked up and saw pure fear in Tubbo's eyes. His heart started to race when they're gazes locked on him. 

He slowly pushed his plate away, and quickly got up. He started to shake. He gave a nervous smile.

"U-um t-thank you for the f-food, but I b-best be o-off..." He said, quickly turning around and heading towards the door that him and Dream came through. Before he even made it halfway there, Schlatt was at the door, blocking his way out.

His breathing picked up, and he turned around, only to find Puffy standing in his way. His heart racing in his chest, his wings started to buzz nervously, lifting him off the ground. He thought about his options, but suddenly, two arms wrapped around him and he was brought into a tight hug, fingers running through his hair comfortingly.

He looked up and saw Dream standing there, a smile on his face.

"Ssshhh. It's alright, Tubbo. We aren't going to hurt you... it's going to be ok..." The older said. The younger boy began to fight against him, tears leaking out of his eyes.

"Let me go! Let me go! Please... just let me go!..." The bee boy said, slowly sobbing into the older ones chest. They sank down to the floor, Tubbo's pleads slowly dying out as his sobs filled the room.

"Please... just let me go... I don't want- please... just let me go..." He whispered, only Dream hearing him. The older ran his fingers through the younger's hair, calming him down slightly. Dream looked up, locking eyes with Puffy and Schlatt.

They both nodded, and a sad smile came across Dream's features. He leaned back and Tubbo's head came off his chest. Tubbo saw the sad smile, and more fear entered his gaze as his body started to tremble even more. 

More tears streamed down the poor boy's face as Dream tightened his grip on the terrified hybrid. He leaned his head down towards Tubbo's ear.

"Don't worry, this will only hurt a little." 

And just like that, Dream sank his teeth into Tubbo's neck.

1452 words


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