Chapter 8:

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Tommy's P.O.V.

I was worried. Very worried. I had looked around as soon as I heard something moving, and noticed that not only were Wilbur, Philza, and Technoblade here, but also Dream and three other people.

They were surrounding the treehouse, all moving slowly towards us, making no sound at all. I had already told Tubbo that they were here, and I knew that he was thinking of a way to escape. I felt a hand on my arm, and looked down to see Tubbo already looking at me, a newfound determination in his eyes.

"Do you trust me?" He asked me seriously. What kind of question was that?!

"Of course I do, man. You know I do. Why?" I said, starting to get incredibly nervous now. 

"I'm going to fly us out of here." he said. I looked at him in shock, before realizing that it could actually work. I grinned at him, and he gave me a grin as well. We both stood up, and Tubbo's wings started to flap.

He flew behind me, before wrapping his arms under mine, and lifting me off the ground. I looked around, and noticed that Wilbur was looking directly at me. I smirked. I knew that he saw us judging by the fact that his face went into complete shock. 

Tubbo then darted towards the sky, making me yell in surprise. Soon enough, we were above the canopy, and I was now glad that Tubbo was still wearing his cloak. The sun was now uncovered by the clouds, meaning that Tubbo was susceptible to get sunburned. 

I heard him hiss in pain, before he asked me to pull up his hood. I did as he asked, trying not to move around much due to the fact that we were speeding over the treetops and that I did not want to be dropped.

I had no clue where we were going, but I didn't care at that moment, honestly. I just wanted to be away from those psycho vampires. I looked down, and was surprised that I could see through the tree tops.

I saw a bunch of wild life, all looking up at us like we were crazy. That was, until my ears flicked back, and I started to panic. I could hear strong wingbeats behind us, slowly catching up. I looked back, to see Phil smirking as he followed us, slowly gaining.

I tugged on Tubbo's sleeve, and he looked down at me. I looked up at him, knowing that there was panic in my gaze.

"Phil's following us." He quickly looked behind him, and cussed under his breath. Without any warning, he dived under the tree tops, causing branches to scratch at my face. Luckily, none of them drew blood, but it was very painful.

I looked behind us now, seeing that Phil was now hovering above the large gap that we created when diving through the trees. I smirked, realizing why Tubbo did that now. Phil had big wings, made for flying in the open sky, while Tubbo had small wings made for flying and maneuvering through dense tree areas.

I turned back around, thinking that we were finally free from them. I mean, come one, how could they keep up? We were flying at a very fast pace, in a dense forest, and the closest person that could have caught us had too big of wings.

The next thing I know, I was flying through the air, Tubbo's presence now gone. I landed on the ground, tumbling several feet before falling into a heap at the base of a spruce tree. Everything hurt, and I could tell that multiple places were breathing.

There was a faint ringing in my ears, and black dots danced in my vision.

"Tommy!" I heard a voice call in the distance. I groaned, and slowly got up, wincing at the pain that was now apparent in my ribs. I brought my hand up to my head, groaning at the pain. I looked around, seeing Tubbo walking towards me, seeming unscathed. His eyes widened when he saw me.

He dropped to his knees before me, and I rested myself against the tree behind me, trying to forget the throbbing in my skull.

"Tommy! Oh, Tommy, I'm so sorry! My wings caught on a vine, and you just flew out my grip! I didn't- Oh god, Tommy... you're bleeding..." He said. I looked at him, and noticed that his eyes changed from a panicked green to a now angry red.

My eyes widened when I realized why he was so worried about me bleeding. Then a thought crossed my mind.

"Tubbo... I know you will probably find this disgusting, but you need to eat. You can drink the exposed blood." I said. He looked at me with wide eyes.

"Tommy, are you sure?..." he said, uncertain. I nodded, knowing that we wouldn't go far if he couldn't eat. He slowly bent down and rolled up one of my pant legs. I hissed in pain when my wound became exposed. I looked down and saw a long cut on my shin. Tubbo's eyes shone with hunger, and he looked at me once more for permission.

I nodded, and saw him bend down and felt his tongue dart out, licking at some of the blood that was running down my leg. I saw the hunger in his eyes when the blood landed on his tongue. He continued to lick up the rest of the blood on the leg, me silently laughing at his eagerness.

He then moved onto my arm, where there were many tiny scratches that only had a little blood on them. When he was done, he leaned back, sitting down once more. There was a little blood at the corner of his mouth, making me giggle. He wiped his mouth, and licked up the excess blood that was there.

"Was that good?" I asked, generally curious. He nodded, his eyes a their honey yellow once more.

"You'd be surprised on how delicious blood tastes!" he said, making me cringe. I nodded, but intended on never drinking blood. I looked around, and noticed that we were near the cabin that my parents would take me too when I was a kid.

"Tubbo... remember the night that I stumbled into your hole?" I asked. He looked at me curiously, but nodded nonetheless. I took a deep breath. "I never told you why I was out there. Me and my parents were out there, going to our cabin in the woods. These woods." I said.

His eyes widened as he realized what I was hinting at. He looked at me, excited.

"Do you still remember where it is?" He asked. I grinned, and nodded. I carefully started to get up, relieved to feel that nothing was broken. Tubbo helped me stand, seeing as the cut on my leg was pretty painful. 

We started to walk together towards the east, towards the mountains. I just hoped that it was still in one piece.

1179 words


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