Chapter 33:

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Tommy's P.O.V.

I groaned, stabs of hunger running through me. It had been a couple days now, and I hadn't eaten anything. I was still living with the raccoons, but I couldn't go outside because the hunters were still there. I knew that when they found out I was a vampire, they would kill me, and I really didn't want to die. But that was looking like a happier option then sitting in a burrow for days on end and letting my hunger slowly drive me insane.

Maria, the mother raccoon, was really sweet. She often brought berries for me to eat, but I couldn't eat them because I needed blood. I could tell that my eyes were a vibrant red, and I could also tell that Maria knew something was wrong by the way the kits would be very cautious around me. 

I didn't know what would happen if I went hungry for much longer, but I knew that I would never eat one of the kits. I'd rather let hunger cause me much more pain for hundreds of years than eat one of the kits. Probably the raccoon instincts in me. 

It was currently night, and my fangs were now poking uncomfortably in my jaw, starting to draw blood from my gums. I would try and suck the blood, but it would never satisfy, seeing as it was my own. 

Looking up through the burrow entrance, I could see that it was only a day before the full moon. The moon was shining in the sky, illuminating the forest around me, but something that immediately caught my attention was the fire only a few trees away. 

It's orange flames outlines the looks of a campsite, with traps and weapons surrounding it as well. The humans weren't there right now, but the one thing that I was trying to control myself from going after was sitting on a log near the fire: animal blood. 

Sniffing the air and letting my ears perk up, I tried to determine if they were going to show up or not if I went out. After deciding that they weren't anywhere near here, nor coming anytime soon, I slowly crawled out of the burrow, my tail and ear fur puffing up with how on edge I was on.

I slowly crawled closer to the campfire, keeping my senses sharp to see if they were going to attack me. So far, so good. Getting closer and closer, I saw all the traps that they had, but even more disgusting: hides of animals and hybrids alike. 

It looked like these hunters had been collecting for months now and were about to sell. That many hybrids, dead for money. I growled lowly at the thought of it. Sniffing once more, the whiff of blood had me turning back to what I originally came out for.

Stepping closer to the cup, I slowly went from crawling on all fours to walking on my feet. Darting my head around, I made sure that nobody was there, before picking up the cup and slowly bringing it to my lips. Once the blood touches my lips however, I couldn't stop drinking it.

It was like I had been starving for days on end now, which I actually had. Within seconds, the cup was empty, but I was still hungry. If I had known what that cup of blood would have done with my instincts, I would have never drank it. 

Hearing the soft rustling of leaves, my head snapped around, my night vision allowing me to see who was there. It was one of the hunters there, and they looked like he was holding some type of weapon, pointing it towards me. 

All rational thoughts left my mind, and a small grin appeared on my face. In that moment, I let my instincts take over. I jumped over the fire and towards the tree that was by their camp, scrambling up it. I heard the swish of a net falling right where I used to be.

Being almost completely silent, I weaved my way through the branches, my eyes never leaving the vessel of blood that had started to approach the campsite. Waiting on a branch, I watched as he began looking around, his eyes scanning over the branches of the trees.

When he turned around, I grinned, feeling my fangs elongate. Silently jumping to the ground, I quickly sped over to him and before he knew what was happening, I sank my fangs into his neck, allowing the thick, red liquid to flow into my mouth.

He started to thrash around, but ultimately becoming weaker by the second. I grinned, still sucking as much as I could, wanting more of the sweet, iron liquid that flowed through my senses. Soon enough, I saw the light die from his eyes, but I continued to suck, knowing that there was more blood in the body.

After another minute, I deemed the body empty, and retracted my fangs, allowing him to flop to the floor dead. My vision had a red hue to it, but I paid it no attention as I heard more leaves rustling around. 

Darting to a dark corner near a tree stump, I watched as the other human hunter entered the camp, a victorious smile on his face and a dead deer dragging behind him. He was whistling a cheerful toon, unaware of the danger he was in.

"Hey, Oscar! Look what I got today- Oscar?!" He yelled out, looking towards his friend that was still laying on the ground. Dropping the deer and his cheerful expression, he rushed over to his friend, immediately checking his pulse. I grinned, and crept up behind him.

I could see his hands shaking, and I could smell the fear that rolled off of him in waves, making me grin. I accidently stepped on a twig, causing him to turn around. His eyes widened when he saw me, and my grin just widened.


"Shouldn't have come after me." Is all I said, before moving with speed I didn't even know I had. Not even knowing how I did it, I ended up behind him, and my fangs sank into his neck, smiling as he started to scream in pain, shaking as I slowly sucked the life out of him.

The screams echoed throughout the night, and it was pure music to my ears. I sank my fangs deeper, wanting more of the pure euphoria that his blood gave me. Within minutes, there were two bodies at my feet, and little dribbles of blood at the side of my mouth.

I grinned, and my vision turned even more red. I had lost all human mind, and now I was hungry for even more blood. I heard a faint twig snap and the sound of wagon wheels on a trail. Turning towards the sound, I saw in the very far distant three bodies that radiated heat.

Grinning, I got on all fours. This was going to be a fun night.

Well, Tommy got his first taste of human blood.... what will he do next?

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