Chapter 37:

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Tommy's P.O.V.

I watched as the moon slowly rose from the horizon, and I grinned maniacally. My clothes were stained red long ago, and within 24 hours, I had already killed more than 10 people, and I felt no remorse for it. Actually, I felt nothing except overwhelming joy.

I didn't even notice that my eyes were a bright red, that my fur for my ears and tail was also stained red with the occasional matting within the hairs. I didn't notice that my nails hadn't gone back to their normal length, and that they were more like claws now. I just felt the urge to continue killing anything that moved. To keep drinking the sweet, sweet blood that allowed the pain to go away.

I felt something like that pull on my stomach, but in a different way. This was more like giving me a command to follow than an option which was what my bloodlust was mostly. It was unusual, to say the least. Frowning slightly, I felt the tug again, but this was more forceful this time, actually making my feet get pulled in a certain direction.

I growled out loud, furrowing my eyes in frustration. I don't know what's happening, but it needs to stop. There's a couple walking down the road, and they were just the appetizers to today's meal. Finally, the tugging went away and I took a long sniff, my smile only widening when the fresh, warm blood scent entered my nostrils.

Jumping out of the tree, I made quick work of my meals. 2 humans and a dog. I'd save the dog for last, as a pallet cleanser. I began eating, happily thinking of my next victims, when my ears flicked back. I froze, listening closely to try and hear what was in the forest. At first, there was nothing...

Then I heard it. The soft huffs of breath in the forest, the quiet pattering of fast moving feet. Listening even more close, I could hear around 3 people closing in on my position. Glancing around, I saw a large pine tree, and ran towards it, leaving the bodies behind. Even though I wasn't completely sane, I knew that I would die if I stayed out in the open. 

I was almost to the forest, when I felt something wrap around my tail and tug back, making me growl out in pain and anger. I turned around and saw three people standing there, all smiling slightly. I felt my fur start rising, and slowly got on all fours, hissing towards the people. 

I could tell that they weren't actual people. They didn't have the warmth of blood running through their bodies, they smelled dead and differently from the freshly killed bodies, and their eyes were glowing red just like mine.

They split apart, two coming around the sides while the front one started to slowly approach me. My pupils dilated, and I hissed once again, my fangs elongating in a threatening matter. The vampire in front hesitated, before advancing once more. It wasn't long before I was surrounding and panic started to flood through my chest. One thought kept racing through my mind, and I finally listened to it: attack.

I leaped forward, and landed on the first vampire's chest, causing him to stumble back and finally to fall to the ground. I kept scratching at them, watching as blood slowly began to dribble out of the exposed wounds. They kept trying to push me off, but I was too strong for them too. After feeling them grow weaker and weaker, I grinned, before viciously ripping into their next, excitedly eating away at their thorax. 

Their screams pierced through the night, but it was music to my ears. That was, until I felt a rope go around my neck, and pull back, causing me to be pulled off of my victim. I snarled, but it was cut short when the rope tightened once more, causing me to choke. I clawed at the rope, but it was doing nothing to destroy the thing.

I felt another rope go around my neck, tightening around it as well. In my peripheral vision, I could faintly see the two other people had the ends of the ropes, and were on each side of me, keeping me in the middle.

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