Chapter 42:

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Tommy's P.O.V.

My vision was still dark, but I was beginning to feel everything in my body. The numbness that consumed my legs, the tingling feeling in the tips of my fingers. The fog that obscured my brain, and the way that my tongue felt heavy in my mouth. I felt it all.

But then there was.... something else. It was a warmth of sorts, but none I've ever known so far. It wasn't a person sitting next to me, it wasn't the blankets the covered me, it was something that came from.... within me. 

It spread through my body, making the numbness disappear with the waves of warmth. It pushed something forward, yet I couldn't tell what it was. It felt like something had been released that had been hidden for years and years. 

I rolled over onto my stomach, and groaned as I was aroused from my slumber. I could feel the way that my pants were rubbing up against my boney legs, how I could tell that the shirt I was wearing hung off of my small, lanky frame. The way that it was beginning to grow tighter- wait.

Why was my shirt growing tighter?

I opened my eyes, and right as I did that, a searing pain spread across my back, making me cry out. I shoved my face into the pillows, and gripped it with all my might as the pain began to increase, almost like someone was cutting my skin open. Tears welled up in my eyes, and a scream tore from my throat once more.

I could hear two other screams come from somewhere in the house, but I really didn't pay attention to that. The pain was increasing yet again, and I could feel my shirt tearing. Wait- why was my shirt tearing?!

I picked up my head, and tried to turn around, but a new wave of pain had me shoving my face in the pillow once more. Dear gods, this hurts like a fucking bitch!!

I could feel the sweat that was starting to form on my brow and all around my body, and my legs and arms began to shake as the pain continued on, making me scream and shut my eyes tightly, letting the tears flow from my eyes into the pillowcases. 

I arched my back as pain coursed through my entire being, my constant screaming filling my ears with a ringing sound. Something was dripping down my back, but I couldn't tell if it was sweat or blood. I brought my knees up to my chest, keeping my back arched as it seem to lessen the pain, but only slightly. At this point, I would take anything that would make the pain go away, even if it was just a little bit.

All of a sudden, the pain died down to a low ach, and I let my body go limp, my legs tangled within the sheets, my arms landing spread across my pillows as I turned my head away from the pillow. I was panting and my eyes were still closed, tears and sweat mixing on my face. 

I felt something move on the bed, and a soft weight landed right below my arms. I could feel a slight feather touch of something brushing up against my knees, and the throbbing ache that was left right under my shoulder blades. 

Dear god, what the fuck just happened?

Wilbur's P.O.V.

It was around midnight, and I was sitting in my room, my hands clasped while I rested my head on them. I was deep in thought about how I could make it up to Tommy, how we could make him feel more at home, when my thoughts were interrupted by something.

A warmth was starting through my entire body, heating up my insides, and filling my heart with something I couldn't quite place. Almost as if I was finally feeling complete, like everything was in its place. Similar to how I felt in the hug with Tech and Dad, but this.... this was different from that.

There was an undertone to it that I couldn't quite place, but for some reason it felt.... painful. Dangerous, almost like it was warning me for something. Preparing me for what was to come.

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