Chapter 9:

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Dream's P.O.V.

Mom and Schlatt just went up to Tubbo's room to see how he was doing. I didn't want to go up to give him some space in case he was a bit... angry about what happened earlier. To be honest, the only reason why I was the only one Puff and Schlatt turned was because vampires feel pain when turning someone.

It's why we prefer just eating people. The same pain a person feels when their blood gets sucked out of them, a vampire feels when they inject their venom into a person. It isn't on a major scale like feeding off a person, but you can feel the venom come out of your body, and a searing pain go through your canines. Vampires don't turn people often.

In fact, I think there are only around 100 vampires in the entire world, mainly because of hunting and the changing process. Yes, we were hunted till the brink of extinction, and vampire hunting has become recently popular nowadays.

The only reason my family and I haven't been found, including the Watsons, was because we didn't like to hunt humans. We were sort of... the vegan vampires. Now, unless there was a really good reason, the main things we would eat would be animals. It was actually a good diet.

I walked over to the window, watching as the sun fell behind a pack of clouds. I sighed, before realizing something was wrong. I looked towards the sky, and saw a figure hovering in the air, right below the window to Tubbo's room...

I lept into action, and sprinted towards the door. I threw it open, and was met with the sight of my friend, Ranboo. He was going to help the newborn fit in, except that the newborn is now getting away.

"Hey man, long time, no see, but the newborn's getting away." I said quickly, looking past him to see that Tubbo was making his way over the treetops. Ranboo nodded, and we both turned around, running after him. He looked back, seeing us running after him and the adults in his window, and sped up, flying towards the village.

I watched as he flew towards the village, before something hit me. He was going back to his treehouse. I ran back and grabbed my phone from the counter, Ranboo following me the entire way. I clicked on Phil's number, and let it ring for a minute, before he picked up.

"Dream, how's it going with Tubbo-"

"Phil, we have a problem." This got the older male to shut up. "Tubbo somehow escaped and is now on his way to what I can only assume is the tree house. Please tell me Tommy is still there with you guys."


"He's not, is he?" I asked, keeping the panic in my voice to a minimum. 

"No, he isn't here and we don't know where to start searching. Wilbur said that he would be going to his treehouse, but his treehouse is around 5 miles away, and I don't think that scrawny kid could run for that long."

"Phil, you fucking idiot! He's a malnourished thief for fucks sake! Of course he can run that far!" I screamed into the phone, angry at the old man's stupidity. I heard someone talking on the other side of the phone, and Phil's reply.

"Wilbur says to meet up at creek. Bring everyone, too. We're going to get our boys back." And with that, Phil hung up the phone. I pinched the bridge of my nose, before yelling for Mom and Schlatt to come down. Once everyone was here, I addressed them.

"The Watsons are going to help us get Tubbo back, and we have to meet up with them at a creek that Tommy, Tubbo, Wilbur, and I used to hang out at. We have to get going pretty quick, as those two boys would already have met up by now."

Everyone nodded, and we all trooped out of the house. Instead of side-tracking towards the village, I completely went off trail, knowing that there was this small path that would lead us directly to it, and faster as well. 

It was about a 10 minute walk, but once we got there, we noticed that the Watsons were far behind. We waited about a minute for them to actually get into the clearing, before conversing.

"Alright, so we both know that they are probably together right now. And we know that the most reasonable place they would be would be in the tree house. We should get going there before they decide to move." Phil summed up. Being the oldest one out of all of us, I knew that everyone would listen to him. 

We all nodded, and began silently walking towards the place where the boys called 'home'. Soon enough, my ears caught the sound of conversation, and I started to see through the trees. There it was: their treehouse.

I could see through the branches that both boys were in the middle of it, hugging each other. I could hear soft sobs coming from Tubbo, and it pulled at my heart strings. I knew that this was because of me, but I also knew that he would come back. That he would enjoy his new form.

We made a circle around the tree so that they would have nowhere to go if they decided to run. I saw Tommy's head jerk up, and started to look around, hesitating on each person, even making eye contact with me.

We were about 20 feet away, when my jaw dropped. Tubbo had darted above the treeline, carrying Tommy. I was shocked. I hadn't even thought of that. I looked over, and saw that Wilbur and Techno had started running after them on foot, while Phil had taken to the skies and followed them from above.

I opted to go with the twins, and started to run after them to catch up. Vampires weren't as slow as humans, but they weren't as fast as flying. It didn't take long for me to catch up to the twins, seeing as I had even more enhanced abilities than they did.

We just ran together, hoping that they would be caught soon. Eventually, I looked up and saw Phil was right behind them, and almost started to feel hope that we had got them. Key word there: almost.

Tubbo did something completely unexpected, and dove into the trees. Now it was much harder for us to find them, for Phil was the only one that could keep up with them. and our sense of smell wasn't as strong as Tommy's would be.

After about a frantic 30 minutes of trying to follow them. We opted to just wait until dark before coming back out. That was not only when our abilities would be at their best, but we could also see better. So, Techno, Wilbur, and I started back towards the clearing. 

I had no idea how far those two had actually gotten. We were at least 5 miles from the tree house. Now, we ran the rest of the way back, seeing as we didn't have to catch our breaths. We made it there within 10 minutes, to see Puffy trying to calm down Phil, who was pacing the place, while Schlatt was leaning up against a tree, looking pissed.

"Those boys are going to get themselves killed!" He said, angrily. "We have to get to them, and fast-"

"I know where they are going." I stated, leaning against a tree. Everyone's eyes were on me. I felt a presence above me and looked up to see Ranboo staring back at me, his mismatched red and green eyes looking at me with confusion and hope. I gave him a small smile, and he nodded, continuing to do whatever he was doing. I just then noticed that he was in their tree house. 

"I remember about 10 years ago, we found this family that was traveling through the woods, who were about a mile from an abandoned cabin. we killed most of the family, only a boy got away, but he's probably dead by now. Anyways, we were in the area where we killed that family, which means there's a great probability that they will be in that cabin by nightfall." I explained.

I saw that they all saw reason in what I said, but I saw something completely different in Schlatt's eyes. I gave him a confused look, and he looked at me, regret deep in his eyes, along with realization.

"Schlatt.... what's wrong?" I asked, skeptical of the answer. I knew that it was probably something that I didn't want to hear right now, but I needed to know what was on his mind. I saw him take a big gulp, a deep breath, before a grin settled upon his features.

"Nothing, nephew. Now, are we going to get those two or what?"

Everyone nodded, but I still couldn't help but feel that there was something that he was hiding from us.

Eh, it can wait.

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