Chapter 18:

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Tommy's P.O.V.

We were all sitting in the living room, just keeping each other company. Techno was sitting in his armchair, reading a book again. Wilbur was sitting on the windowsill, tuning his guitar and strumming softly. Phil was writing something in a notebook, and I just sat there, looking around the room and thinking.

I really wanted to see Tubbo, but I knew that even if I managed to escape, they would find me before I even got close to Tubbo. Plus, I had no idea where he was. The last time I saw my best friend was in the old cabin, where we both got taken by our respective 'families.' Hell, I don't even think I can call them that, seeing as none of them are related. 

I heard Wilbur stop tuning his guitar, but paid no attention to it, seeing as I really didn't want to be there. I would much rather be in my room figuring a way how to escape and stay away from blood the best I could. 

I looked out the window, and I saw that a clouds had covered the sky. Dark clouds, which could only mean one thing. Thunderstorm. My tail curled around my leg comfortingly and my ears laid flat against my head. I hated thunderstorms ever since I was almost electrocuted.

Long story short, Tubbo and I, before we found our tree, used to live in a tall pine. There was a lighting storm one night, and Tubbo decided to sleep in the den that sat at the base of the tree, whereas I decided to stay in the tree. Lighting struck the branch right above me, causing it and myself to fall towards the ground. Let's just say that was one of the worst pains I've ever felt.

There was a flash of lightning, and a deep rumble of thunder followed right behind it. I curled in on myself, trying to stop myself from shaking. I bit down a whimper when another flash of white lit up the sky, causing me to jump in my seat.

I felt the couch dip beside me, but I didn't pay any attention to it, my eyes transfixed on the storm that brewed outside the window. Another clap of thunder came, causing me to squeeze my eyes shut, and hug my knees even tighter, my tail flicked back and forth behind me in nerves.

I felt a hand gently start brushing through my hair, and I relaxed instantly, letting the feeling overcome my nerves. I leaned into the hand and closed my eyes. A rumble started in my chest, and I did nothing to stop it. I felt the person beside me move, and the hand gently pushed my head down.

I just let it, and felt my head come in contact with someone's legs. I slowly opened my eyes to see Wilbur smiling down at me. I flipped him off, before closing my eyes again, letting him comb through my hair. He laughed, which drew the other's attention.

Even with my eyes closed, I could feel their stares. I opened one eye, and sure enough both of them were looking at me. Phil had a complete look of aw on his face, while Techno had a protective glint in his eyes. I shrugged it off, and closed my eyes once more, letting the feeling of Wilbur's hand calm me again.

Without even realizing it, I let sleep overcome my mind, slipping into the world of dreams.

Dream's P.O.V

My mom, Tubbo, and I were all sitting in the living room. My mom was reading a book that she really liked, while Tubbo tinkered with something. I was watching the storm that brewed outside, smiling at the dark clouds that covered the sky.

Thunderstorms had always calmed me ever since I was a kid (which was 17,000+ years ago). I heard a hiss of pain, and looked over to see Tubbo looking frustratingly at the thing he was tinkering with, his finger in his mouth.

I got up and walked over to sit beside him, wondering what he was doing. I looked down and saw that he was messing with some wires, which confused me. I glanced over at him, but he seemed focused on something.

"What you doing, Tubs?" I asked. Tubbo looked over at me, and grinning a bit.

"Nothing much, just tinkering." He said, shrugging and going back to fixing the wires. I saw that he was using his fingers, and furrowed my eyebrows. I saw a tiny spark of electricity, and Tubbo jerked his finger away yet again, sticking it in his mouth and groaning quietly.

"Wait here." I said, before getting up and walking down the hall into our storage closet. I skimmed through the shelves, before finding what I was looking for. I smiled, before grabbing it and walking back towards the living room, closing the door when I exited the closet.

I sat beside Tubbo again, and set the box that I had grabbed on the table in front of us. I then opened it, and watched as Tubbo's eyes lit up with joy. There were many different tools inside, including pliers, tweezers, and electrical tape.

"Wow! Can I use these?" Tubbo said excitedly. I laughed and nodded.

"No, I just got them to let you look. Of course you can use them, Tubs." I said sarcastically at first. He just laughed and immediately started back up on his tinkering. I watched as he continued to work. I didn't even know what he was going, but he seemed extremely focused on it.

I glanced outside to see the sky had darkened tremendously, which sent a feeling of peace to my mind. I turned back towards Tubbo's creation, and leaned back into the couch as I watched him tinker. The rain started to patter on the window, sending another wave of serenity through me.

After about 10 minutes of watching Tubbo tinker with whatever it was, he screwed shut the place he was working on, and set it on the table. I leaned forward, curious as to what it was. It was a small metal ball, which had two buttons on it. One was red, and the other was yellow. The yellow one was bigger, and in the dead center, while the red one was slightly off to the side.

"Tubbo... what is it?" I asked, confused. He looked at me, and smiled excitedly. I watched as he pressed the yellow button, and was amazed at what happened next. Four little blades emerged from the ball, and started to spin very quickly. Soon enough, the small metal ball was hovering over the table.

Tubbo pulled out a small remote, and moved on of the throttles towards the window. The small ball then moved towards the window. I laughed, and jumped up.

"Tubs, that's amazing!" I said loudly, catching the attention of Mom. She looked up and saw the small ball flying around the room, and smiled.

"That's great Tubbo!" She said, setting her book down and watching as Tubbo lead the ball around the room. Tubbo smiled widely, and stood up, making the device come to him. He then pressed the red button and the little blades merged back into the ball, causing the small metal ball to fall in his hands. 

He set the remote and the ball on the table, grinning. I picked him up and hugged him, spinning us around. His laughter filled the room, which made me laugh in turn. After getting dizzy and almost falling over, I stopped spinning, and set the young boy on my hip, grinning at him.

His eyes sparkled with happiness, and the grin never left his face. I heard a chuckle, and turned towards mom, who was smiling at us. I let out a sigh, a bubbly feeling entering my stomach. I knew that our family was complete. 

1325 words


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