Chapter 34:

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Wilbur's P.O.V.

I haven't talked to Dad in days now. Ever since I woke up and Tommy was gone, I haven't felt the same. I haven't felt myself. Doesn't help that the house has been eerie quiet and cold since he left.

Yes, Tommy hadn't been here long, but he had impacted the house significantly. Every night, Techno and I would wander around the forest, searching for him. Every day, Phil would fly over the forest, trying to find the raccoon hybrid that we called family. No such luck.

I glanced at the setting sun, growing angry. Instead of getting ready to go search for my younger brother, I had to get ready for the stupid fucking Blood Ball. It's held once every Blood Moon, and vampires come from all over the world just to attend. We were lucky enough to live close to the castle, but some would see that as unlucky. I honestly didn't care.

Looking at myself once again, I grimaced. The Blood Ball was an ancient ball, so naturally, you had to dress ancient. So here I was, standing in amber robes that flowed around me, the red lining looking orange in the fading light. I closed my eyes, my hands turning to fists and shaking beside me.

It wasn't fair that Tommy was out there all alone, probably starving, and I was getting ready for a ball. It wasn't fucking fair... yet there was nothing I could do. If everything went well tonight, Toms would be back in our house and he would be safe.

"Tech! Wil! We need to leave!" Phil yelled from downstairs. I sighed, before grabbing a dark brown cloak to cover my robes, and walked out of my room. Techno walked out of his, and I l glanced at the robes he decided on.

They were a dark blue this year, with white and silver designs. He had an ice blue cloak with him with fur lining, and he didn't look half bad. We made our way downstairs, not speaking to each other. When we walked down and turned towards Phil, it was the same sight we saw every time we had to go to this.

Phil was expected to wear blood red clothes, and that's exactly what he did. He hated it, but he had to show his age and high status among the vampire community. There was a black cloak folded over his arm, and he gave us a weak smile, which we did not return.

He sighed, before opening the door and leading the way out. Techno followed him, and I was the last out, taking one last look at our house before closing and locking the door. Turning around, I saw Phil stretching out his wings, his cloak already attacked around his neck. 

For the past thousand years or so, he's been able to carry both Tech and I to the Ball, seeing as it would take to long to walk there. I wasn't so keen on the idea at the moment, but I didn't want to walk the rest of the way there, so I reluctantly walked over.

Phil wrapped an arm around both Techno and I, before taking off when the last light of day disappeared. As we flew, my thoughts for the last couple days disappeared, and I just focused on the cool breeze that blew through my hair, and the warmth I felt from being close with my brother and father. 

Soon enough, the lights from town disappeared, and the forest sounds plus the wind were the only thing I could hear. Looking below, I saw that in some of the meadows fireflies were out and about, lighting up places. 

It was peaceful and quiet. Abnormally quiet...

"Boys... we need to talk." Phil said suddenly, yanking back to the present. I sighed, but I guess I owed it to him to speak. Techno looked like he didn't want to hear anything Phil had to say, but he didn't object when Phil said that. So he continued.

"Tonight Tommy's going to be forced to attend the ball due to the vampire instincts. When he does arrive, we have to act fast. If he isn't presented with a family, he's going to get thrown with one, one that won't be able to handle him." Phil said, concern lacing his voice.

"So you want us to keep an eye out for him?" I asked, no emotion in my voice at all. It sounded like Techno, to be honest.

"Yes, please..." Phil says in a small voice. I hummed in agreement, and a silence fell between the three of us. We continued to fly, and it wasn't long before I begun to see the dim lighting of the vampire king's castle. 

It was a huge castle, seeing as a lot of vampires lived in it. It was made out of a dark brick, but I knew that it was a deep green to make it harder for mortals to see it during the day. Not like anyone would come towards it anyways. Anybody who does usually doesn't go back home alive. 

Looking towards the entrance, I could see multiple vampires milling about, some walking through the entrance, others conversing with friends outside. All of them were wearing something flowing, whether it be robes or dresses, it didn't matter. 

Phil landed near the gardens, and let go of both of us. I took a step away, and smoothed out my robes, as did the other two. We looked at each other for a second, before Phil sighed and lead us towards the castle. Again, silence filled the distance between the three of us. 

Laughter started to drift out of he open doors, the mood only darkening around us. I so badly wanted to have fun here, but it wasn't going to be much fun tonight, that much I could already tell. Walking through the doors, warm air blasted across our skin, and I quickly closed my eyes as blinding light suddenly came through them. 

Opening them slowly, I let my eyes adjust to the new flood of light. I looked around the room and sighed tiredly. The ball room was filled with hundreds of vampires, all milling around and talking to each other. The sweet scent of iron occupied the air, and for a sheer second, I felt bad for the humans that had to give that much blood. 

I glanced over at my brother and father, and I could see they visibly stiffened. But after hearing it for a second time, I tensed up as well, knowing who was there, calling our names.

"Philza! My dear friend! It's been such a long time!"


1106 words


(Sorry it's kind of short)

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