Chapter 25:

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~*~ When Tommy was 10~*~

Wilbur was walking the blonde racoon down the road, having deaf ears to the panicked complaints from the 10 year old at the time. Through the many complaints, the blonde had tried to escape back to his den, to try and get away from where the older was taking him, but Wilbur wouldn't let up.

The brunette kept a tight grip on his wrist, not letting him go as they walked down the streets, Tommy still yelling at him to let him go. All to soon for the blonde and not soon enough for the brunette, they rounded the corner and saw what they were there for.

The building itself wasn't that impressive. It was made from red bricks and white stone. There were plenty of windows, including in the rooms that was currently empty. Wilbur smiled in relief, while Tommy grew even more tense and tried to fight even harder.

Dragging him put the steps, Wilbur pulled Tommy along into the school. Once the entered, Tommy's ears went flat against his head in a painful matter at the mere mass amount of noise. Students of all ages turned to look as the two new people started to walk towards the office.

Tommy was now clinging to Wilbur's arm, walking with him, his eyes darting around nervously and fearfully at the kids that were staring at them. Some began to whisper, and Tommy's tail wrapped around his leg. Wilbur didn't seem to notice.

They walked into the office, where the office lady looked up with a bored expression, only to jump back and quickly put on a friendly smile on her face. Tommy scrunched his nose in disgust, while Wilbur just smiled awkwardly.

"Hi, I'm here to sign in Tommy for his first day of school." Wilbur said politely. The woman nodded, before typing something into her computer. Tommy flinched when the printer started going, and his tail found its way into his hands. He started to nervously twist it around in his hands, his ears still flat on his head while his eyes were staring at his shoes.

The printer stopped and the lady handed the paper over to Wilbur, brushing their fingers together. Wilbur had to stop himself from shuddering at the weird interaction, and crouched down to hand the paper to Tommy.

Tommy met his eyes nervously, and glanced at the paper that Wilbur was holding out for him to take. He slowly and shakily took the paper from Wilbur's grasp, looking over it. It was his school schedule, along with locker number.

"You alright if I head out, Toms?" Wilbur asked, standing up. He looked up at the brunette giant, fear clear in his gaze. He started to hurriedly shake his head, meaning that he didn't want the other to go. Wilbur laughed sadly. "You'll be fine, Toms. Why don't you go make yourself some more friends, alright? I'll be back to pick you up at the end of the day and then we can go play by the creek with Tubbo and Dream later, how does that sound?" Wilbur asked, trying to compromise. 

Tommy sighed, and slowly nodded. He still had a gut wrenching feeling that something bad was going to happen today, but he knew that Wilbur wasn't going to change his mind. Wilbur grinned, and ruffled the blondes hair, before walking and leaving the 10 year old standing in the open.

Tommy swallowed nervously, before starting to walk towards the lockers. He glanced at his number, before looking around to find it. His number was 97. He started to quietly count the lockers, before finally stopping in front of the locker 97. He opened it and found the books that he was going to need already there. He grabbed them before glancing down at his paper and making his way to his first class.

The bell rang, and all the kids started to scatter, leaving Tommy getting swept up in the crowd. He tried to fight his way through, but seeing as he wasn't that big, he just got pushed around. The crowd started to thin out, and Tommy glanced around to see where he was. He was all the way across the school from where he was supposed to be.

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