Chapter 15:

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Tommy's P.O.V

I froze. I had just started to drift off, when I heard footsteps coming closer to my hiding place. I held my breath and glanced from under the table to see that 3 pairs of feet had entered the room I was in. I tensed up, ready to bolt out if they found me.

Apparently, they didn't realize I was there. I watched as Wilbur started pacing in front of the fireplace, mumbling something to himself, while Techno and Phil sat on the couch. I saw Phil's feathers puff out in stress and annoyance. I knew it was because of me, but I found that I didn't really care. He deserved it.

"Where could he have gone, Dad? I've checked every window upstairs, none of them have been touched. And besides, we would've heard him if he was attempting to escape. He's still inside the house, I just know it!" Wilbur said, still pacing and running a hand through his hair, messing it up. I quietly sighed. They thought I had escaped. That would give me even more time to think of a plan to escape this hell hole.

"Wil, we've checked everywhere. Unless there's a secret place where he's hidden, he's not here-" Techno said, but was abruptly cut off by Wilbur slamming his fists on the wall. The sudden noise made me jump and a small whimper escaped. I quickly covered my mouth, hoping that no one had heard the noise.

I saw Phil look in my direction, and I knew that he heard it. I was fucked. I curled up even more, and pulled the blanket tighter, hoping that he didn't find out that I was there. I watched as his gaze floated over my hiding place, before looking back at it. My eyes widened. He smirked, and I knew that he knew I was there. He turned back to the twins, who were now in a heated argument. 

The argument soon stopped, and I peeked my head out to see the two twins were staring at Phil in confusion. Oh no-

"If you're done arguing, then I would be delighted to tell you that we have an eavesdropper in our presence." He said. Even if I couldn't see his face, I could hear the smirk in his voice. My tail wrapped around my leg tightly, and my ears laid flat against my head. I was scared.

I saw that Phil had gotten up and started to whisper the twins, so quietly that I couldn't hear it. I started to panic. I knew that he had told them that I was under here. My mind racing a thousand miles per second, I glanced out from under the table and weighed my options.

I could make a run for it, but then they'd definitely know I was here. But I might have a chance to escape them and find a new hiding place. Or I could stay here and hope they don't try to come get me. I was pulled out of my thoughts as I heard footsteps.

I looked from under the table, and saw a red cape and a pair of boots making their way towards the doorway. I watched as they walked out, and I saw that they were Techno. For a second, I thought that he was leaving, but that hope soon died when I saw that he was closing the doors that lead to the way out. Oh fuck-

He closed the doors, and I heard him lock them before watching as he slipped the key into one of his pockets. More footsteps were heard, but they were walking towards the windows. I listened as I heard curtains closing and knew that Wilbur and Philza were closing them.

The room was then surrounded in darkness, and my eye's turned into slits as my night vision kicked in. I knew that the others could see in the dark, and I knew that they knew I could as well. I pulled the blanket tighter around myself, trying to curl even more into myself than I already was.

I heard slow footsteps coming closer and my ears were pressed uncomfortably on top of my head as my fur slowly raised in fright. My nails started to turn sharper, digging into my palms. I bit my tongue, barely missing my now large canines, trying to bite down the pain so a whimper didn't release.

The footsteps stopped and a pair of shoes were in my vision. They were a pair of black sandals. There were black feathers dragging just behind, and I froze. There's only one person in this world that I knew that had black feathers. Phil.

The said man proceeded to crouch down, and look dead at me. I scooted back further, letting out a small whimper. No use in trying to hide anymore. He already knew I was there. He gaze softened when he saw the panicked and fearful look in my eyes, and sat down, opening his arms.

I knew that he wanted me to come to him, but I wasn't going to. This man had turned me into a fucking monster! and there was no way in hell I was going to let him ever touch me again. I shook my head viciously before scooting even further back, trying to get as much space as possible from the man in front of me.

He frowned at my action, and scooted forward, his wings puffing out slightly. He reached under and got a hold of my foot. I started to panic and tried to kick him off, but he just pulled me towards him quickly, and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me onto his lap and pushing my head into his chest.

I didn't even realize I was crying, I just wanted to get away from him. I didn't feel the tears stream down my face, I didn't hear the sobs that escape. I just continued to struggle against the man in front of me. 

I started to grow weaker, and everything around me turned blurry as I just gave up. There was no use. I was stuck like this, with them, and there was nothing I could do about it. I could fight as hard as I could against everything, but in the end, I was going to end up taking the blood of another. 

I leaned my head against his chest, my struggles finally stopping. I practically went limp in the mans arms. I felt one of his hands rubbing my back, before making it's way into my hair, running his fingers through it. 

I unintentionally leaned into his touch. I closed my eyes, hiccupping now and then, but no longer sobbing. The tears didn't stop, though I didn't really try to get them to stop. I felt him rest his head on mine.

"Hey, it's going to be alright... we're going to be here for you, you're part of the family now." Phil whispered in my ear, still rubbing comforting circles on my back. I weakly nodded my head, feeling my eye lids get heavy with exhaustion. I was exhausted from running, to hiding, to them finding me, to crying in the man's arms. 

I felt him kiss my forehead, but I was too tired to address it. My eyes started to close, and the last thing I saw before they closed was Phil's green robe. My body leaned into his even more before my mind shut down and I closed my eyes, letting sleep overtake me.

1263 words


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