Chapter 11:

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Tommy's P.O.V.

Everyone was silent, still shocked after my outburst. I didn't even care. I didn't tell anyone, not a single one of them, why I was abandoned. I was too angry at myself to admit that I left my family there to die. Die at the hands of the motherfucker in front of me.

"You fucking took their lives right in front of me!" I screamed, not noticing the tears that were spilling out. Not noticing what pain and vulnerability that my voice held. Not noticing the way my body was trembling.

"I was seven fucking years old, and had to watch my mother, my father, my fucking sister, die right in front of my eyes!" I said. The guy in front of me flinched, but I didn't care. I was too caught up in my hate to avenge my family's death.

I heard someone crying, and averted my gaze towards the noise. My heart broke when I saw what was in front of me. Tubbo was crying, hugging Dream, the man who turned him into a bloodsucker. I couldn't tell what Dream was thinking, but I knew from his posture that he was shocked.

I then looked around the room to see that Wilbur was kneeled right in front of me, Phil standing a little ways between Dream and us. The two other goat hybrids were still on the floor, though the man still looked terrified.

Before I knew it, I broke. My knees buckled, and the hands that were keeping me up let me fall to the floor. I sat on the floor, my head in my hands, sobbing. All the pent of rage, all the anger, the hatred, just spilled out. Everything that I had been feeling in the past 7 years poured out me.

I just sat there, crying. I know right, big man move, but I didn't feel like getting up. I had stayed strong, I had pushed their deaths to the back of my mind for7 fucking years. I couldn't keep it in any longer.

I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, and I was gently brought into a body. I didn't care to look up to see who it was. Memory after memory flashed before my eyes, not slowing down. I cried even harder when a memory of seeing their bodies laying lifeless on the side of the road flashed before my eyes.

"Sshh... everything's going to be alright, Tommy. Everything's going to be alright." A voice said. A familiar fatherly voice. I looked up to see Phil with his arms wrapped around me. He gave me a kind smile, his eyes flashing a comforting purple before returning to their deep green. That's when I remembered what everyone here was: vampires.

My eyes widened, and I immediately started to try and get away from him. He just wrapped his arms around me, bringing me closer to him while I was still thrashing around. I heard him sigh.

"Wil, you wanna do something?" He asked. What the fuck did he mean?! What was he asking Wilbur to do?! Are they gonna fucking kidnap me!? My thoughts raced at a fast pace, my breathing increasing and my thrashing becoming more reckless.

I felt a hand on my head and my ears immediately went flat against my skull. 

"Sleep" a simple command that I didn't want to follow, but for some reason I did.

I looked up with panicked eyes to see Wilbur giving me an apologetic smile. I felt my eyes start to droop, and I just managed a small "fuck you" before I passed out in Phil's arms.

Why is it always me?


Tubbo's P.O.V.

I watched as my only friend, my best friend, my brother, struggled in Phil's grip, I tried desperately to get to him, but was stopped by Dream's arms wrapping around my stomach, pulling me closer to him.

Silent tears streamed down my face as I struggled to get to my best friend.

"Wil, you wanna do something?" Phil asked, looking up at Wilbur with a look that said 'Help me.' I immediately started to thrash even more. Wilbur nodded and place his hand on Tommy's head, causing Tommy's ears to lay flat back.

"Sleep" He said, though there was something different about his voice. It wasn't a request, it was a command, and it felt like there was some sort of magic behind it. I watched as Tommy started at him, wide eyed, before closing his eyes and relaxing against Phil, who immediately smiled. Creep.

I started to make an angry buzzing sound, one that only came up when I was feeling intense rage or fear. And right now, I was feeling both. All heads whipped towards me, and I could tell by the look in their eyes that they felt pity on me.

Wilbur walked over, and gently lay his hand on my shoulder. The buzzing started to get louder, and I felt my eyes turned to slits, which I had never done before.

"It's alright Tubbo, he'll be fine. But right now, I say you need some sleep" And just like Tommy, my eyes began to droop and I felt dead on my feet. The buzzing stopped, and I felt my eyes closed, before I slumped over, and fell to the floor.

I felt arms wrap around me and whispering, but soon enough, my vision turned black.


Wilbur's P.O.V.

I didn't like doing that to the boys, but they were freaking out and we needed them calm. Plus, they can't escape if their asleep. I sighed, and turned around to see that Phil was setting Tommy on the couch in a laying position. He looked deep in thought.

"Schlatt." He said, turning towards the man in question. I looked over and saw that Schlatt had a look on his face, one that was filled with regret, confusion, and fear. I frowned, not knowing what this was about. Then I remembered Tommy's outburst.

"Care to explain what the fuck Tommy was talking about?" Phil asked, using his quiet angry voice. It sent goosebumps up my arm. That's how scary Phil's quiet angry voice is. It could make a thousand wolves run away, tails tucked between their legs.

Schlatt looked at him, and just shook his head.

"7 years ago, on a hunt, there was a family of four out here. I was hungry, so I decided to have a meal. I killed the two parents, before going after the slightly older of the children. The youngest ran off, and I tried to follow him, but I lost the trail, and went back to finish my meal. I told him that I would find him and let him reunite with his family. To this day, I haven't seen him... until Tommy."

Everyone stood around, shocked by the fact that Schlatt openly admitted that he had killed Tommy's parents. I pinched the bridge of my nose and sighed, my eyes turning a threatening red.

"Schlatt, I mean this in the most respectful way possible-

You fucked up."

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