Chapter 19:

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No one's P.O.V.

Phil watched as Wilbur calmed Tommy down, the blonde boy falling asleep. He had a small smile on his face, watching the two interact. He didn't know exactly what happened in Tommy's childhood, but he knew that Wilbur was very protective over the young boy.

Techno shifted in his chair, and Phil looked over to see the pinkette looking at the two, a glint of jealousy in his gaze. Phil laughed, causing the two boys to look at him, both confused.

"Wil, I think someone's jealous of you and Tommy." Phil said quietly as to not disturb the sleeping boy. Wilbur looked confused for a second, before his eyes darted over to Techno and a look of understanding passed them. Wil smirked at his twin, which made the other scoff and shove his nose in his book once more. 

"Mm I think you might be right Dad." Wilbur said, teasing Techno even more. Techno scowled, but he could feel his ears turning red in embarrassment. "Dad, his ears! Their turning red! He is jealous!" Wilbur whisper yelled. Techno looked up from his book and shot Wilbur the death glare, to which he replied with a smug smile.

Techno rolled his eyes, and attempted to look back down at his book. Though it was proving difficult. His eyes kept darting over to the blonde racoon hybrid, wanting to be in Wilbur's position. He didn't understand this sudden feeling to be near the boy, but it was killing him and his voices wouldn't shut up about it.

Wilbur watched amused as his twin kept glancing over at them. Finally, he scoffed, causing Techno to look at him with a bored expression.

"Get your ass over here, you awkward fuck." Wilbur said, stunning Techno for a second, before pinkette actually did get up, closing his book and marking his place with his fingers. Very carefully, Wilbur extracted himself from Tommy, making sure to not disturb the boy's slumber. He then motioned for Techno to take his place.

Techno looked between the racoon hybrid and his brother, before shrugging and carefully sitting down the placing the blonde's head on his lap. Tommy immediately snuggled into the warmth, causing Techno to freeze up. He was incredibly tense as Tommy relaxed on him.

He looked towards his brother, who was silently laughing at his struggle. Tommy moved again, his face scrunched up. Still unconscious, one of his hands came up and searched around before finding Techno's hand. He grabbed it and set it against his hair, relaxing into Techno again. The two teens sat there, frozen. One was silently laughing, the other was being the awkward fuck he was.

Tommy moved and groaned in his sleep, and Techno picked up the hint. He started to run his fingers through the blonde's hair, causing the young boy to calm down once again, a small relaxed smile appearing on his features. 

Techno watched Tommy relax, slowly relaxing as well, finding serenity in the situation. Phil and Wilbur watched the two boys, adoration clear in their eyes. They both quietly stood up and began to make their way towards the doorway, wanting to give the two new brothers time to bond. 

Techno looked up when he heard the soft click of the door closing, now seeing that his father and brother had left him alone with a literal child. He sighed, and ran a hand through his hair, before looking down at the child laying on him. He smiled softly, before leaning back into the couch, his hand still brushing through Tommy's curly hair, sometimes brushing up against his ragged soft fur.

Soon enough, the warmth and comfortableness in the room had Techno's eyes closing, allowing the older to slip into the world of dreams.

(Time skip brought to you by a dead author :D )

Tommy's P.O.V.

I groggily opened my eyes, not really gaining my surroundings. What I could tell was that it was warm in the room and I was laying on something warm, with something in my hair. I blinked a few seconds, before my vision came into focus. I glanced up and saw Techno asleep on the couch, his hand in my hair. That's when I remembered what happened before.

I quietly and slowly got his hand out of my hair, and slowly got up, not wanting to disturb him. I stretched, yawning big. I looked around the room, before walking over to the door that lead out of the living room. I opened it quietly, and closed it, hoping that he didn't wake up. I stayed still for a  moment, just listening to his breathing. Still asleep, good.

I looked back and decided that this would be a good time to explore the house, seeing as all I've ever been to is the downstairs, that one living room on the second level, and my room. Not to mention the weird, ceremonial room. I don't ever want to have to go back there again.

I decided seeing as I had already explore the downstairs with Wilbur, I should check out the upstairs. Making sure to stay quiet, I made my way up the stairs to the second floor. The living room was just to the left of the staircase, and there were two hallways. I decided to take the one to the right.

I kept on high alert, making sure that no one was going to jump out or catch me. After a minute of wandering the hallways, I stumbled upon three doors. From each door was a different scent. The door on the immediate left was a dark oak door, almost black, and it mainly smelled like Techno.

The door on the right was a light oak, contradicting Techno's dark oak door, and it smelled of Wilbur. The last door was at the end of the hallway, and it was made out of just plain oak, and it smelled of Phil.

I thought for a second, before slowly walking down the hallway and grabbing onto Wilbur's door handle. It wouldn't hurt to take a peak... would it? I slowly opened the door to reveal a very messy room.

There was a bed against the back wall with a brown comforter and white sheets. It had a light oak frame with light gray curtains that were pinned to the top of the bedframe. His walls were painted a light tan, and he had oak floors. 

Against the far wall, adjacent to the bed, was a desk that had a bunch of pencils and papers scattered over it, along with a desk lamp. To the left of the desk was an overflowing waste basket, and a guitar on a stand just slightly behind it. There were papers littering everywhere near the desk. On the wall closet to me yet still adjacent to the bed was a dresser.

It was too light oak, and it looked hand made. I walked further into the room and a door leading off from the rest of it. I sniffed and could faintly pick up the scents of soap, shower water, and toothpaste. I'm going to assume that's his bathroom.

I glanced around the room once again, before my eyes caught on something. I slowly walked over to it, and picked it up, smiling some. It was Wil's red beanie. He used to let Tubbo wear it all the time because bees liked color. I laughed at the memory, before getting an idea.

It was probably going to end badly, but what's life without risk?

1261 words


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