50k special: QnA

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So for the 50k special for this book, I had people give me questions either for the characters or myself, so here are the questions and their answers.

1. What is your biggest inspiration and motivator for writing?

          Inspiration. Funny thing, inspiration is. I usually get inspiration by listening or reading other peoples works. I know that it can be counted as plagerism in some cases, but I just like the idea, and if they head in a certain direction, sometimes I let my mind wander and it takes the story into a completely different direction, and I just get way to invested into the idea. Hence why I have 5 books in my drafts and a lot more ideas that don't have that thick of a plot line yet.
          Motivation. That... that is something that rarely strikes me. I don't really have motivation to do things unless I really want to do them, unless something strives for me to do that certain thing. With writing, it's different. The motivation is always there, but the timing and idea sometimes isn't. I usually let my mind wander or ponder on it for days at a time, and then when the right idea hits, I just start typing and BOOM! Chapter complete in a couple hours to a day, depending on what it is. 

2. When did you think or how did you think of this story?

          I'll be honest, I got the vampire Au off of a different book I had recently read. While reading books, I tend to let my mind wander and sometimes it comes up with it's own plot line for the certain book I'm reading, and that's exactly what happened with this book, but I really like the idea of hybrid sbi, so I added that into the mix. And here we are.

3. Hardest character to write?

          Hm.... I'm not really sure, because I can relate to all of them, therefore it's sort of easy to write them. But if I had to, I'd say probably Techno, because of his emotionless monotone personality. I have a lot of different emotions, so it's kind of hard to make him have a harder outer shell when I don't really have that. Somebody once said that we tend to make characters based off of someone either really close or ourselves. Idk who said that, but I do believe that that's the truth. 

4. For Tommy: Are you ever going to forgive Techno, Wilbur, and Phil, or no?

          Tommy: I don't know, maybe? Ask me again later, I'm pretty fucking angry at the pricks right now. They did just turn me into a monster, and take me away from my br-best friend, but that still doesn't mean I'm not grateful for them taking care of me through the years.

5. Who are your favorite characters?

          The entire Sbi + tubbo. My all time favorite is Technoblade, hands down, followed by Wilbur, then Tommy, then Tubbo, then Phil.

6. For every character: who is your favorite person?

Philza: Dead or alive? Because my favorite person is dead right now, but currently with me, it's my sons. Tommy included.
Technoblade: I'd have to say Phil or my annoying twin brother. But don't tell him I said that-Wilbur: It's either the gremlin child or the emotionless rock... I swear if you tell either of them that-
Tommy: Tubbo.
Tubbo: Tommy!
Dream: I'm going to have to say Tubbo
Puffy: My little duckling Dream
Schlatt: Does beer count? No? Oh- then I don't really know, Wilbur maybe? He's pretty- cough I mean pretty chill
Anchileous: Philza my old friend of course!... alright, alright, stop poking me dammit- I don't really like anyone nowadays, but it was Phil for a long time... till that bitch showed up-
Ranboo: Oh, I have to answer this too?- Oh... um... maybe Tubbo or Techno? I don't know that many people...
Me: I'm gonna have to say Technoblade, but don't tell the others. They'll have my hide... literally-

7. Your favorite food?

          Fruit. Before you say "uh, actually, that's a food category-" I don't care. It's fruit, end of story.

8. How long have you spent writing this story and when do you think it will end?

          To be honest, I have no idea how long I have been writing this story. I think I might have started it in December, or something like that, but it's definitely been a while and this story has come a really long way. I don't really know when this story will end, I'm not even sure what the whole plot is going to be yet. In all honestly, I think that the current bump it's sitting on right now is probably the small hill before the mountain or climax of the story, so it's gonna be a while before this story will end.

9. For Tubbo: Do you like your old life better with Tommy or your new life?

Tubbo: Hm... I think I like my new life better. My life with Tommy was a blast, don't get me wrong... but we were always scrapping for food, never had a good roof over our heads, and we would struggle a lot in winter. Now, I don't have to worry about dying from hypothermia, and I can get something to eat whenever I feel hungry. Plus, Puffy is really nice and her and Dream allow me to play with Tommy and Ranboo and-... I wasn't supposed to say that, was I? Oops? WAIT NO DON'T- 

Tubbo is no longer available

Thank you all so much for the 50,000 this book has gotten! Though now, it's more like 54k... still, thank you all!

So, I had you all vote between... 5? stories that reside in my drafts? And it looks like one has won with a total of 6 votes...

Publishing in the month of June, I give you...

Unmasking the Monsters

By: Zia

Technoblade was one of the most feared hunters by all hybrids. He had managed to kill every single one that he was assigned, never missing as shot. Never missing the mark. Most villages hired him when they had a hybrid problem. Richer folks would hire him to capture hybrids alive. 

But that wasn't the case this time. 

Somewhere up north, a village was getting terrorized by hybrids that they had never seen. Calling out to the bloody warrior, he made his way north, thinking that this will be just like all the other times. He would get there, kill the hybrids, leave with the reward.

Yet he didn't expect the unexpected....

Inspired by A Tale of Humans and Hybrids by @Jedi_Raptor, I just really wanted to make a book about origins smp, so here ya go. This is all platonic, besides some friendly flirting here and there. I hope you like it, and if anyone mentioned wants me to take it down, I will. Enjoy!

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