Chapter 27:

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There's something you should know. I was working on Charlie (he's the little metal ball who brought you this), when I needed some more things to fix him. I went past the living room and heard Schlatt and Puffy talking (they're my new parents now, I guess)

They were talking about someone named the Vampire King. Apparently we have to go to this thing, I think it's some big gathering between vampires. Puffy seemed really upset by it, and from what I gathered, she really didn't want us to go. Apparently she had talked to Phil, who told her that we have no choice but to go. All new born vampires are supposed to present themselves the King at something called the Blood Moon Ball, or some shit like that.

I'll tell you everything I've heard tonight. Meet me at the tree house, or cabin, I'd prefer treehouse since we both know where it is. Try and come when at moon high. I hope to see you there!


Tommy's P.O.V.

I was in slight shock, but honestly, I had a feeling this was coming. From the way Phil was talking just a bit ago, I had the feeling that something like this was going to happen. I looked at the letter and the little metal ball that was still lying still in the pile of blankets. 

'Is that Charlie? Must be' I thought, before picking up the small ball and holding it my hands. Rolling it around in my hands, I thought about Tubbo's letter. He wanted to talk in person. I mean, I would love too, but I didn't want to break their trust. 

Even if I didn't show it, I was enjoying living with them. Not having to work for every scrap of food that I got, having to split that scrap, and then go through the whole process again the next day. It was nice to just relax and be a kid again.

But I did miss the outside. Ever since the last time I escaped, I hadn't been allowed outside, under any circumstances. If I was ever left alone, I would either be in this room or my own room, watching outside the window, really wanting to go out there. I knew that they would never allow it... but when have I ever followed the rules.

I grinned to myself, before picking up the letter and Charlie and running up the stairs towards my room, not even caring if I got caught Wilbur at this point. I heard my name get shouted, but just hurried up the stairs, hoping that I would be able to hide the note and Charlie before they came to find me.

I managed to get in my room and throw them under my pillow, and running over to the window when the door bursted open, an exhausted and slightly scared looking Wilbur in the doorway. I grinned at him, still wearing his sweater. He just glared at me, before coming over. I could see a hint of amusement in his eyes, but I could also see a dark look in his eyes.

Before I could sneak away again, Wilbur grabbed my wrist and made sure that I would break eye contact with him as his eyes glowed a menacing orange.

"Where. Were. You?" He breathed out, a hint of anger and venom lacing his voice. If I had any blood at this point, it would have run cold, and my heart would have started to speed up. But in this case, I had neither, so instead, my breathing picked up and I began to tremble slightly. I had never seen Wilbur this mad before.

"I-i-i w-was just h-hiding. I-i'm a g-g-g-ood h-hider." I stammered out, trying to calm myself down while trying to get out of Wilbur's grip. His expression hardened, before seeing the panic in my eyes and wrapped his arms around me. I froze in his embrace as he nuzzled the joint between my shoulder and neck.

"Techno and I were looking all over for you. We had thought you had escaped us again. Don't do that to us Tommy. Don't ever leave us..." He mumbled, still holding me. I wrapped my hands around his neck, awkwardly hugging and holding on to him so I didn't fall.

He then wrapped one of his arms beneath my legs, holding me up before walking out of the room. I was slightly confused by this, but then he started to walk down the stairs and got off on the second floor, walking towards his, Techno, and Phil's rooms. He entered his room, where Techno was already sitting on the bed reading a book.

He looked up when he saw us, and a small smile over took his face. I grinned back at him, and Wilbur walked us over to the bed, before jumping onto it, me still in his arms. I was now squished between the two men I was just beginning to think of as big brothers.

Wilbur wrapped his arms around my waist (platonically, you fools) and pulled me closer to him before closing his eyes and soon enough, I heard his breathing even out. Suddenly, I felt a hand enter my hair and started to detangle it. I relaxed instantly, and looked up to see Techno still reading his book, but his hand was playing with my hair now.

He must've felt my gaze, for he looked over at me, his calm red eyes boring into my own. I lazily smiled up at him, in which his eyes softened up. A emotion entered his swirling irises, one that I recognized for I had seen it in Tubbo's, Wilbur's, and Phil's gazes time and time again. 

It was love. I hadn't known Techno for that long, but I had a feeling that he didn't develop that feeling for people easily. Techno's gaze turned back to his book, and I laid my head in his lap as best as I could with a man child attached to me. Wilbur shifted a bit when I moved, but still stayed asleep.

I felt my own eyes start to drift off, but it was a while before the comforting hand of sleep came over me. During that time, I thought about how I was going to escape tonight. It seemed impossible, but nothing is impossible when it comes to Big Man Tommy.

As we all laid there in silence, and in that silence, I was able to come up with a plan. One that wouldn't get me caught. One that would allow me to get out of here with no one noticing, and get back in without anyone noticing I ever left. All I had to do now was wait.

And that was when sleep decided to take over my brain, sending me into a peaceful slumber.

What's this? Another chapter? It couldn't be.... IT IS!

I hope you liked it!! Until next time! (make sure you're there for the next chapter) ((that means take care of yourselves. Eat something, get something to drink, sleep decently, and take a shower if you haven't in a while.)) (((Sorry it's a little short, I was stalling for a bit of it)))

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