Chapter 23:

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Tommy's P.O.V

I groaned when a beam of sunshine fell directly on my face. My eyes still closed, I turned over and scooted closer to the warmth. Pressing my face against the warmth, I heard a soft thumping emitting from whatever it was I was pressed against.

Slowly, I opened my eyes and was faced with the red cotton of a hoodie. I shut my eyes once again, not really registering what it was. I curled in on myself and scooted closer to the warmth, ears pressed flat against my hair. 

I heard someone chuckled above me and froze. Slowly, I reopened my eyes and reassessed what the warmth was. It was indeed a hoodie. And with the hoodie came a person. I slowly trailed my eyes upwards until they locked gazes with a pair of bright red eyes with little flakes of gold and blue in them. 

"GAAAHH!" I screamed, jumping back and tangling up in the blankets that surrounded me. My nose was flooded by the jumbling scents of Techno, Wilbur, and Phil, plus my own. I heard laughing, and struggled even more to get out of these blankets. I felt to hands start to pull the blankets away, and soon enough, light was streaming into my eyes once more.

I squinted my eyes as the light entered my vision, me being temporarily blinded. I started to rapidly blink, letting my vision get used to the light. The laughter was still going, but now there were three sets of it.

I propped myself on my elbows and looked around. Techno was sitting directly in front of me, while Phil was kneeling next to me on my left, and Wilbur rolling around on my right. We were in some kind of blanket nest. I looked down and my face flushed red. I then remembered what happened last night.

I was still wearing Wilbur's sweater and Phil's robe, while Techno's cape covered my legs, acting like a blanket. My ears lowered and I huffed, bringing my legs up and hiding my face between them and my chest, my arms crossed around my head, taking a deep breath.

I didn't expect them to find me. In fact, I was hoping that they wouldn't... but at the same time, I was counting on they would. Argh, my thoughts are so jumbled right now. My tail wrapped around someone's leg, but I didn't really register it. I was too lost in my thoughts.

I felt a pair of arms wrapping around me and it shook me out of my thoughts. I lifted my head a bit and saw that Phil was sitting there with me in his lap, just hugging me. I tucked my head back down, making sure to keep my smile hidden. I felt another pair of arms join the hug, and my nose told me it was Wilbur.

I lifted my head a bit and my eyes locked with Techno's. He was sitting there, looking extremely awkward. We stared at each other for a second, before I sent him a smile, wanting him to join the hug. He got the silent message and smiled back before getting up and joining the hug as well.

We all sat there for a few minutes, just relishing the warmth that we all gave off. That was before Wilbur's stomach decided to break the moment and growl extremely loud. I bursted into giggles, Wilbur and Techno laughing right behind me. I could practically feel Phil's eye roll, but nonetheless they all started to break off.

I uncurled myself, and grinned. They all smiled back at me, before we all started to head towards the kitchen. That was when I realized how hungry I actually was. We made our way downstairs, and that's when it hit me. I glanced up at all three of the giants and smiled.

This was my family, and I doubt that was going to change anytime soon.

Tubbo's P.O.V.

"ARGH!" I yelled, getting frustrated at Charlie. Charlie was the small, flying, metal ball that Dream saw me fixt the other day. I had been testing Charlie's limits for the past two hours and trying to make it so that it didn't need to be in a certain rage of the remote to fly. So far, I had been unsuccessful.

For the 7th time that hour, I screwed open the metal plate that covered the main wires. I looked through them, and then something just clicked. There was a green wire where there should have been a blue wire, and I was missing some double sided electric tape.

I looked around my desk, and to my utter frustration, I didn't have those things. Huffing loudly, I exited my room, wondering if Dream would know where I could get the things that I needed. I hadn't told him why I was working so hard on Charlie, because I knew that he would disapprove, and possibly destroy it. 

I walked down the hallway and was about to go to Dream's room when I heard hushed voices coming from the downstairs. It sounded like Puffy and Schlatt were having an argument of some kind. I hesitated, fighting an internal battle with myself. If Tommy taught me one thing, is that it never hurt to eavesdrop on conversations.

Slowly and very carefully, I crept down the stairs until I could hear what exactly they were saying.

"-haven't turned anyone in a couple centuries. What will the king say? We are one of the top covens, and when he sees Tubbo, he's going to ruin the poor boy. Even though I haven't met Tommy yet, by what Dream's told me, Tommy's going to fight back against him. What are we supposed to do when two newborns start disrespecting the king?" Puffy said in a hushed, yet panicked tone. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused on who this 'king' was.

"And on top of that, it doesn't help that Phil is certain that his coven is complete. He says that he can feel it, that Tommy was the last one before the upgrades begin. Not only will Tommy be grumpy from pain, but all three of them are going to be overprotective. That won't help their case, even if Phil is close friends with the King."


"I told you not to call me that, Schlatt." Puffy said in a deadly tone. I could practically feel the fear coming off of Schlatt after that.

"Right, sorry- Puffy, I know you're worried, but Phil's thousands of years old. He's experienced more blood moons than us, relax. He had to go through the whole newborn orientation with the twins, he can handle Tommy. And if we can handle Tubbo. Have some faith in us, and Phil." Schlatt said.

I heard Puffy sigh, and I decided that I had heard enough. I crept back up the stairs, my breaths coming in shallow gasps. I would say my heart was thumping loudly, but it stopped beating a while ago. I walked back to my room, completely forgetting the reason why I was out there in the first place.

I needed to get Charlie up and running. I needed to warn Tommy... and quickly.

1204 words


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