li. Maze of Horrors

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chapter fifty-one | maze of horrors




Many curses flew in all different directions and the shelves opposite them exploded as they hit. The towering structure swayed as a hundred glass spheres burst apart, pearly-white figures unfurling into the air and floating there, their voices echoing amid the torrent of crashing glass and splintered wood now raining down upon the floor.

Kaya could just about make out Harry's voice telling everyone to run — and she didn't have to be told twice.

She took off, Jaeden right behind her, throwing a stray glass ball at one of the Death Eaters that had been trying to follow them.

Everyone was yelling, there were cries of agony, and thunderous crashes sounded as the shelves collapsed upon themselves. The strange, echoing voices from Seers were unleashing from the spheres, drowning out any form of communication between both the Death Eaters and those in Harry's group.

Kaya felt fragments of glass brush across the side of her face and she let out a whimper of pain. She turned her head and let out a yelp of surprise at the sight of a Death Eater just catching up with her, nothing between them but a shelf of prophecies.

He was huge — around six foot eight, and was a powerfully built, heavily muscled man. He had an extremely imposing figure, even without any sign of magic. His hood had fallen now, to reveal his face. He had thin, dark brown hair that only seemed to grow on one side of his face. His eyes were a deathly grey, and frightening. In fact, with help of the light coming from the prophecies, Kaya could just make out that half of his face was in fact severely burned.

"Stupefy!" Kaya yelled, but the man deflected her spell immediately.

"Reducto!" she heard Jaeden's voice behind her.

Deflected, again.

Kaya pointed her wand at the nearest shelf, instead — one of the few that hadn't been affected by the fight, so far, and still had glass balls sitting tidily.

"Reducto!" she yelled, and the shelf on Kaya's left began to fall. It toppled onto the man, glass spheres crashing down over him.

Kaya sped up, doing her best to lose him, his growls of pain becoming more faint the further she ran.

She caught sight of a glimpse of silver-hair and immediately changed direction to follow the Silverstone girl several feet in front of her. Kaya had completely lost her way, now. She had to follow someone to make sure she exited out of the right door.

SUMMER LOVIN' ✯ FRED WEASLEY Where stories live. Discover now