ix. Birthday Celebrations & New Arrivals

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chapter nine | birthday celebrations & new arrivals



It was Saturday the 19th of September. Everyone was well into their third week of being back at school, and Kaya and Maisie were sitting in the Hufflepuff common room, surrounded by splashes of yellow and red from the clutters of wrapping paper and ribbons. This was because tomorrow was Milo's birthday, and the girls were wrapping presents they'd bought for him over the summer.

"That's because you don't cut enough paper," said Maisie. "You need to cut way more than that for it to fit,"

Kaya had gotten Milo a Broomstick Servicing Kit and a new Quidditch helmet, which she now regretted since they wouldn't even be playing matches this year. But hey, maybe in the holidays or in the summer he'll be able to use them. She also got him a box of Chocolate Cauldrons from Hogsmeade.

Maisie had bought the boy a t-shirt with the Chudley Cannons crest on, as they were his and Jaeden's favourite Quidditch Team. She'd also gotten him a range of chocolates and sweets from Honeydukes.

"You know," said Kaya. "I've only just realised that we'll be able to apparate soon,"

"Ha," said Maisie. "You've got to pass the test first. I wanna see that happen,"

"Let's be honest, though, Jae will definitely be the last of us to pass. Even if he is one of the oldest."

Milo was obviously the oldest of the group, and then it was Jae, who's birthday was in December. It was then Maisie's in February and Kaya's in May. Kaya was the baby of the group.

"That's if he does pass," Maisie joked. "I don't see it,"

Kaya laughed, nodding. Maisie yawned, before turning to check the clock on the wall. It was half nine, and pretty much all of the younger Hufflepuff students had gone to bed.

The small, circled windows placed in threes around the walls now let in very little light, the tiny stars in the night sky sparkling through the glass. The fireplace was alight, Kaya sitting on a dark green stool with her back to it, soaking up the heat. The abundance of plants distributed around the room casted many shadows over the walls and floor, and there was a small mumble of chatter from the students still awake talking to their friends. Many were writing letters to home, others were doing homework and some just sprawled out on the sofa gossiping away.

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