xxvii. Waves & Kisses

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chapter twenty seven | waves & kisses


AFTER a very long heated discussion, it was finally agreed that Kaya, Jaeden, Fred and George were allowed to stay to listen in on the Order, for they were of age and therefore were supposed to be practically adults. (Emphasis on the word 'supposed'.)

Ginny didn't leave the room quietly, as she found it incredibly unfair that she and the others couldn't listen - especially since Diana was allowed to stay. Elizabeth Silverstone had some hang up about her being up to date with the 'cold hard truth' so the silver haired girl remained seated when the other fifteen year olds (minus Harry) left the room.

"Ok, Harry," said Sirius. "What do you want to know?"

"Where's Voldemort? What's he doing? I've been trying to watch the muggle news, but there hasn't been anything that could be to do with him, yet. No funny deaths, or anything,"

"Well, there haven't actually been any funny deaths yet," Sirius explained. "Not as far as we know, anyway,"

"Except Cedric," Kaya muttered, avoiding eye contact with anyone. Fred shot her a sympathetic glance.

"How come he's stopped killing people?" Harry asked.

"He doesn't want to draw attention to himself. That's what we think, anyway," said Sirius. "It would be dangerous for him. His comeback didn't come off the way he wanted it too - he messed it up,"

"Or, rather, you messed it up," Lupin chimed in, giving Harry a satisfied smile.

"You weren't supposed to survive!" Sirius said. "Nobody apart from his Death Eaters was supposed to know he'd come back. But you're a witness, Harry,"

"And the very last person he wanted to know he was back was Dumbledore. But you made sure Dumledore knew at once,"

The four seventeen year olds exchanged glances as they listened quietly.

"How does that help, though?"

"Are you joking?" said a Bill, and everyone's heads snapped towards him. "Dumbledore was the only one You-Know-Who was ever scared of!

"Thanks to you, Harry, Dumledore was able to get the Order together for a talk, about an hour after Voldemort returned," said Sirius.

"What's the Order been doing?" Harry asked, looking around at everyone else.

"Working as hard as we can to make sure Voldemort can't carry out any of his plans,"

"How d'you know what his plans are?"

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