viii. First Day Mayhem

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chapter eight | first day mayhem


HAVE YOU EVER accidentally made eye contact fifteen times in a row? Kaya has.

She and Fred Weasley ended up being in the same Transfiguration class - which she, surprisingly, quite liked the idea of. Fred was funny, no doubt, so he'd definitely lighten the lessons up a bit. Especially since McGonagall was their teacher - him winding her up would be great entertainment for the girl, even if she did sometimes feel bad for the poor woman having to put up with the class.

Fred sat a row in front of her, a few seats diagonally to the left. He'd tried sitting next to Lee Jordan, but McGonagall was smart enough to separate them before the lesson even began, and George wasn't in this class, so he ended up sitting next to Angelina Johnson instead. Lee was moved to the desk on Kaya's left, so the ginger could be seen turning around to trying to speak to him extremely often.

Kaya was sitting next Cedric, as he was the only person she really knew in this class.

McGonagall started explaining the importance of their N.E.W.T's, and Kaya drifted off for a bit, and her eyes wandering around the classroom in a sort of daze. Fred was pretty much facing the back of the class trying to mouth something to Lee, and ended up unintentionally sending little glances towards the brunette girl, who just happened to be peeking at him every now and again, too. The teenagers somehow managed to do this fifteen times, and Kaya didn't think she'd ever felt so awkward in the middle of a lesson. Well, maybe apart from the time last year when she and Jaeden spent ten minutes being lectured in front of the whole class by Snape for accidentally mixing the wrong ingredients.

Long story short, she and Jaeden both failed their Potions O.W.L's.

The class had been set a task to turn each other's eyebrows a different colour, and Kaya was grateful her partner was Cedric this year instead of any of her other friends. She could trust Cedric with her personal appearance - he was good at everything. Cedric, on the other hand, was much more nervous at the thought of Kaya messing with his eyebrows.

"Chill out, I'm not gonna set them on fire," she said. "I'm actually quite good at Transfiguration."

"You said that about Potions," said Cedric.

"Well - yeah, but I've got proof now. I got an O in Transfiguration O.W.L's, that should mean something,"

Cedric hesitated, pulling an uncertain face expression.

"Alright," he said reluctantly, closing his eyes. "Okay. Go on, then."

"Any preferred colour?" Kaya asked.

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