xix. Pink Lady

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chapter nineteen | pink lady


"WHAT IS IT with fucking girls? They think shop assistants are their friends! They're not, you just met them, and they're trying to sell you stuff,"

Jaeden and Milo were both grumpily slouching in chairs in the corner of the shop, watching Kaya talking to a shop assistant as she tried to decide between two different pairs of boots.

"How long does it bloody take to pick a pair of boots," Milo groaned.

"They don't even look different," Jaeden said, practically scowling at the girl. "They look exactly the same,"

"You two look chirpy,"

The twins and Lee must've seen Jaeden and Milo in the window, for they'd entered the shop to come over and speak to them.

"Are you three just in ten different places at once?" asked Milo. "Literally, you're everywhere."

"No, Fred's just a stalker and we have to follow him," said George, turning and nodding to the brunette girl still deciding between her boots. Fred kicked his twin.

"What is she doing?" asked Lee, pulling a face.

"She can't decide between a pair of boots that look exactly the same," said Jaeden, clearly fed up of waiting.

"This is all your fault, Jae," Milo told him.

"How?" Fred asked with interest.

"They had a fight buying dress robes before the ball - yes, a physical fight-"

"It happens a lot," Jaeden added, after noticing the three boys' faces becoming even more bewildered.

"Jaeden took off her boot and threw it to the other side of the shop, and it got caught on something and ended up with a hole in it, so now she needs a new pair," said Milo.

The three laughed.

"That's karma, Jae," said Fred with a grin.

They continued to chat until Kaya had finally picked a pair of boots, and walked back over to them, holding a paper bag with her purchase inside.

"You two look happy," she told Milo and Jaeden, before greeting the other three with a smile. "Alright, boys?"

"How did deciding between those boots take so long?!" Jaeden complained, he and Milo standing up and the group exiting the shop.

"Yeah, K," said Milo. "They looked exactly the same,"

"That's because they were the same," said Kaya, calmly. "I had to choose between two sizes,"

SUMMER LOVIN' ✯ FRED WEASLEY Where stories live. Discover now