xxi. Tears Streaming

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chapter twenty one | tears streaming


THE SKY WAS DARKENING, and Kaya walked with her group to the stands, ready to cheer Cedric on and watch the final task.

The crowds were filing in as they passed, looking for some available seats. Kaya was taking the opportunity to be a drama queen as different students shoved past them.

"Hey, don't push me! I'm sensitive! Merlin!" she said, causing Jaeden who was behind her to laugh and roll his eyes.

They finally found some seats completely opposite the entrance to the maze, so they had a great view of the champions before they entered. All four of them looked nervous, either shaking their arms to calm their nerves, or look for their friends in the crowd. Cedric chose both options.

"WE LOVE YOU!" Kaya shouted to him, causing him to break into a smile. Maisie made a heart out of her hands and held it up for him - he laughed.

Dumbledore took to the field and the crowds cheering their favourite champion calmed down, letting him speak. Kaya turned around and saw Fred sitting with George and Lee a few rows diagonally behind them. She flashed him a smile, which he returned - with a wink obviously.

"Earlier today Professor Moody place the Tri-Wizard Cup deep within the maze. Only he knows it's exact position. Now, as Mr Diggory-"

Kaya and Maisie whooped and whistled along with the rest of Hogwarts.

"...And Mr Potter-"

Another eruption of cheers began, Kaya and the rest of her group joining in, too.

"...are tied for first position, they will be the first to enter the Maze. Followed by Mr Krum-"

It was the Durmstrang students' time to cheer. Maisie grinned down at Stefan who smiled back and gave her a small wave.

"And Miss Delacour. The first person to touch the cup will be the winner. I've instructed staff to patrol the perimeter if at any point should a contestant wish to withdraw from the task, he or she will need only to shoot red sparks up with their wands. Contestants, gather round."

Kaya folded her hands together to a ball and rested her chin on them as she watched Cedric and Harry walk over to join the other two.

"Champions, prepare yourselves!" Moody called. Cedric took a deep breath and gave his father one last hug.


"ALL THE WAY!" Maisie added.

Cedric gave them one last warm smile and a small wave, before he turned to face the entrance of the maze.

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