iv. The Downfall

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chapter 4 | the downfall


"WHY THIS CAR IS AUTOMATIC," Maisie yelled, standing on top of her bed.

"It's systematic!" Milo chimed in.

"It's hydromatic!" Kaya jumped onto her bed, of which Jaeden was already standing on.

"Why it's greased lightnin'!" Jaeden finished.

"Greased lightin'!" The other three cheered, before the group broke into a routine of extremely bad freestyle dancing as they continued to sing along to yet another soundtrack from Kaya's favourite muggle film.

Their parents were in the other room, clearly used to their children's singing and dancing as they let them get on with it, attempting to ignore the thumping and chanting coming from their room.

Kaya and Maisie had picked up their hairbrushes and pranced around using them as microphones. Jaeden had picked up one of Kaya's scented sprays and decided to use that instead, whereas Milo just danced happily as he sang, not bothering to find a replacement for a microphone.

"We'll get some overhead lifters, and four-barrel quads, oh yeah," Jaeden sang, shaking his hips and putting on a deeper voice to try and match John Travolta's.

"Keep talkin'! Oh, keep talkin'!" Kaya yelled.

Maisie and Milo had managed to create some kind of routine as they shook their shoulders leaning in and out, as Jaeden and Kaya hopped around the room, trying to overpower the other as they sang, shoving each other as they did so.

But as they reached the final verse, Milo noticed what seemed to be a terrified scream sounding outside of their tent. The others carried on singing assuming it to be someone playing around outside, until several more came from the opposite direction. Maisie stopped dancing, also now realising that something unusual was going on. Jaeden and Kaya continued play-fighting.

"Hey, Kaya," Milo said. "Can - can you stop the music?"

But Kaya could not hear the boy, as she and Jaeden were singing and jumping as loudly and aggressively as they could.

"Jaeden-!" Maisie spoke up a bit louder, but didn't need any other way to alert the pair before a large crash echoed, causing the four to jump, Jaeden being so shocked he stumbled back onto the bed. Kaya's eyebrows creased, as she paused to exchange glances with her friends.

"What the fuck was that?"

More screams sounded and many crashes erupted around the area, before Maisie and Milo's fathers rushed into the room.

SUMMER LOVIN' ✯ FRED WEASLEY Where stories live. Discover now