xxii. Heavy

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chapter twenty two | heavy


It was so much more than Kaya could carry.

She was dragging around the tragic loss of Cedric Diggory, and it felt like a great weight crushing her. She constantly felt like collapsing onto the floor, the hole in her heart bringing her down.

Why was everything so heavy?

Even making the effort to get out of bed in the morning was too much. She couldn't walk into the common room without feeling sick. The physical pain stabbing at her heart was lingering, and the hurt felt like it was imprinted on her, never going away.

Her eyes were baggy and sore from lack of sleep and too much crying. Her thin face was pale and gaunt.

But she hated to make everything about her - and she was driving herself crazy trying not to.

She wouldn't let anybody try to comfort her too much, because she wasn't the only one suffering. She hadn't just lost one of her best friends - Cho Chang had lost her lover. Amos Diggory had lost his son. Poor Harry Potter was the one to have to witness his death. And so many of the others had lost a boy so dearest to them, yet Kaya was sitting wrapped up in her bedsheets feeling sorry for herself.

That was her only motivation to get out of bed in the morning - the fact that so many others were going through the same thing.

She was also paranoid - anxious she'd be accused of attention seeking by anyone else. It's not like she was with Cedric every second of the day when he was alive - but they were close and they had their moments together - whether people who didn't know Kaya knew that or not.

Deep down she was hurting, bad. She'd taken so many things for granted.

Kaya had taken Cedric sitting next to her and Maisie in the Great Hall at the start of term feast for granted. She'd taken the nights where the two would be on duty together for granted. She'd taken every moment sitting with him in their usual spot in the common room for granted. She'd taken all the Transfiguration lessons where she'd been lucky to sit next to him for granted.

Kaya had taken Cedric himself for granted.

Which made it all worse, because there were too many things that reminded her of him. She felt like she was going mad.

Maisie was going through the exact same thing. The two girls didn't leave the common room for days - having to sit somewhere else because they couldn't even look at where they'd used to hang about with Cedric. It made them feel as though they were going to throw up.

Kaya managed to save some of the crying for night time, and so sat in silence for most of the day. The common room had never been so dull - everyone was in the same boat. And those who could bring themselves to get on with their day would return with food from the kitchens for those struggling. True Hufflepuff unity that Cedric would've been to happy to see.

SUMMER LOVIN' ✯ FRED WEASLEY Where stories live. Discover now