xliii. The Quibbler

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chapter forty three | the quibbler


MILO WAS HEADING back to his common room after a long and boring period of having to patrol the corridors, making sure everyone was back in their own house dormitories or either had a proper reason for being out. He didn't exactly enjoy it - but, it was his job, and Head Boy was something he wanted to keep, so Prefect duties like these were a sacrifice he was willing to make. And, in all fairness, he was more okay with them than Kaya was. Merlin, that girl could complain.

The light shining onto his blonde hair flickered as he switched between shadows, passing the huge windows of the Hogwarts halls that presented the night sky, glittering with stars. The only noise to meet his ears was the clicking of his own shoes against the stone floor and the muffled mumble of those who were also out of bed for a specific reason. Milo yawned - it was a comforting feeling, knowing he would now be back with his fellow Gryffindors for the rest of the night.

"What are you doing?" were the first words to exit out of his mouth when he reached his friends, currently designing something for that bloody business of theirs.

"We're gonna try and double these," said Fred, gesturing to a pile of puking pastilles. "We want to double them to make more to slip into Umbridge's tea, because we're not wasting time making them properly, for her,"

"Right," said Milo, nodding slowly. "I'd be careful, though,"

"Oh, no!" Lee said, putting on a high pitched voice. "Is the Head Boy going to stick my wand up my ass?"

Milo snorted.

"I'm on about Umbridge, she might end up catching you, you know,"

"And?" said George. "It's all apart of the fun. What else have we got?"

Milo paused, before shrugging. "Yeah, fair enough,"

He dropped his bag to the floor.

"K was fucking amazing in Quidditch today, wasn't she?" said Fred, after a moment's silence of all four boys carrying on with whatever it was they were doing.

It had been a very short match - probably the shortest Milo had ever witnessed. And it was agony for him and his Gryffindor friends to see their team lose, but they had one positive outlook on it - and that was Kaya, because she was incredible. Milo liked thinking that if they had to lose, he was glad it was against Kaya's team, rather than Jaeden's. Christ, if it was Jaeden's they wouldn't have heard the end of it from either him, or his team. He still couldn't quite work out the Slytherin vs. Gryffindor rivalry, even after being in this school for almost seven years, now.

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