vi. Back To Hogwarts!

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chapter six | back to hogwarts!


KAYA WAS WALKING to King's Cross with her parents, the hot sun gleaming down onto them. The brunette girl could sense the burn on the back of her neck as her hair was tied with a red scrunchie into a high ponytail. Her scrunchie matched her red tank top, underneath her blue denim overall shorts. It was a scorching day, and she was dreading having to wear the school uniform as it wasn't exactly the best sort of clothes to wear in the humid weather. But, she had to remind herself, once they'd reached Hogwarts it would most likely be murky and crisp, so it shouldn't be much of a problem to change into.

Her little brother was, as she'd call it, shitting himself. But he was also excited, no doubt. He'd always watched the train take off, desperately wanting to be on it - and now he would be. Still, he was joining a new school. It would be scary, and Kaya understood how he felt. Plus, her mum had reminded her at least twenty times that day to look out for him, to which she replied,

"Of course I will,"

Luckily for Alfie, he had Jeremy. Some first years were starting with no friends at all, and so Alfie and Jeremy could be doing a lot worse.  Not to mention they both had four sixth years looking out for them.

The first one out of her friends that Kaya spotted was Milo, his blue polo shirt hung over baggy combat shorts. Kaya greeted him by sneaking up behind him and ruffling his hair. The blonde turned around with a confused expression, but his face lit up as soon as he realised it was his best friend.

"Hiya!" he said, giving her a hug. "How's you?"

"Knackered," she replied. "Had to actually get up early,"

"We've just had six weeks off, lazy sod,"

The two were soon interrupted by another boy - undoubtedly the loudest person they'd ever met.

"Oi! Oi! Alright you pair of pricks?" said Jaeden.

"Awe little Jae-bae!" Milo mocked, referring to a nickname Jaeden's mother had given him. Jaeden whacked him on the back of the head.

"Hiya, you seen Mais?" Kaya asked. "I need another girl. I haven't had female company from people my age in ages, I've just been surrounded by boys-"

"Thought you only went to Diagon Alley with Jaeden?" Milo frowned.

"Well, yeah, I did," Kaya said, before shooting a glare at Jaeden who smirked.

"Ooh, Milo, do I have something to tell you!"


"It involves a specific ginger-"

"Jaeden, shut your trap you little sod,"

SUMMER LOVIN' ✯ FRED WEASLEY Where stories live. Discover now