xxxvi. The Secret Meeting

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chapter thirty six | the secret meeting


"HIGH INQUISITOR?" Kaya said, pulling a face as she, along with her friends, scanned a new notice that had been placed on the wall by Dolores Umbridge herself. "What the fuck's that?"

"No idea," said Maisie. "But, if it involves that old cow, it's probably ass."

"For once, I actually agree with Mais," Jaeden nodded.

"I think everyone agrees with Mais, if it involves insulting Umbridge," said Kaya. "But still, I have no idea what High Inquisitor is. Miles, you're smart, what does this mean?"

Milo stared with a blank expression, before shrugging.

"I dunno,"


"What's all this, then?" a voice said, and Kaya looked to her left to see two second year boys pushing their way through to work out what was going on.

"Alf!" the brunette girl greeted, ruffling her little brother's hair. He swatted her hand away, sending her a quick dirty look. "Alright, Jer?" the girl nodded to Jeremy, who smiled and nodded back.

"What's Umbridge done, now?" His eyebrows creased, as he read the newly placed sign on the wall.

"That's what we're trying to figure out," Milo said. "Anyway, how's things? What lessons do you have next?"

"History of Magic," said Alfie with a dull expression. "As if we have to learn about the Gargoyle Strike again. We learned all about that last year, none of it was interesting,"

"Ah, yeah," Jaeden nodded. "I remember - it was boring. I've got Divination, next, so you can imagine the pain I'll be in, sitting and staring at a crystal ball for an hour,"

"That sounds way better than what we're learning!" said Jeremy. "Divination sounds so interesting,"

"Yeah, it is interesting," said Jaeden. "Until you have to study it. Then it becomes annoying, like everything else,"

"Here we go," Kaya muttered. "Jaeden and his everlasting hate for Divination,"

"Oi, K," said Alfie, with a mischievous grin. "Can you crack your knuckles?"

He held up his hands to her ear and did so, causing the girl to cringe and lean away.

"No," she replied bluntly, giving him a dirty look.

"Caleb told me girls really like boys who can make their knuckles crack,"

Maisie snorted, and Kaya pulled a face before saying sarcastically,

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