x. Champions

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chapter ten | champions


THE NEXT DAY FELT LIKE A BLUR. After their first lesson, Kaya, Maisie, Jaeden and Milo decided to spend their free period hanging about in the hall and watch everyone who was willing to put themselves forward into tournament. The girl was interested in seeing who wanted to enter, and stared completely engrossed at each person stepping forward to the goblet. There had been an age line cast around it, so nobody under the age of seventeen could enter, much to Jaeden's dismay. He was hoping to enter anyway, thinking he might be able to count because his birthday was 'only a few' months away. It was around break time when the hall became more busy, more and more people beginning to cram in to get a glimpse of the goblet and those trying to enter.

"Come on Cedric!" A Hufflepuff boy said enthusiastically. A crowd had rushed into the hall, and they were all surrounding Kaya's friend, encouraging him to enter. "Put it in!"

Kaya could tell from the expression on Cedric's face that he was already planning on enter, whether his friends wanted him to or not. He was just finding all of the sudden attention rather amusing. Cedric stepped forward, not even glancing at the age line, but staring at the blue flames emerging from the goblet.

"Go on Ced!" Kaya called from across the hall.

He dropped a tiny piece of parchment inside, flashing Kaya and Maisie a friendly smile, before turning back to his close friends who were now cheering for him.

"Eternal glory," said Jaeden. "Imagine it,"

"Sounds like a load of rubbish, if you ask me," said Maisie. "I mean - it's only a school competition, isn't it?"

"Only a school competition?" Jaeden made a face. "Have you gone mental?"

Kaya and Milo exchanged smirks as the two began to bicker about the importance of the tournament, when a sudden commotion from the doorway signalled the entrance of the two Weasley twins - sprinting through holding a small vile each. Kaya leaned forward.

"Well lads," Fred said to their friends. "We've done it!"

"Cooked it up just this morning!"

They were interrupted by the voice of a girl two years below - Hermione Granger, sitting on a bench with a smug expression and a book in hand.

"It's not going to work!" she said. The boys sat down on either side of her, grins still plastered on their faces.

"Oh yeah?"

"And why's that, Granger?"

"You see this? This is an age line. Dumbledore drew it himself."

"So?" said Fred. Kaya chuckled to herself. Hermione sighed.

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