xlii. Valentine's Gal

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chapter forty two | valentine's gal


KAYA WAS NOT looking forward to going back to Hogwarts - and she immediately realised how much of a strange feeling this was. She'd never dreaded school, before. Sure, she'd been sad that summer had come to an end, but the girl had never found Hogwarts itself as a problem - in fact, she quite enjoyed it there. But not anymore. Umbridge screwed that one, up. Nice one, Dolores.

Everyone's seasonal cheer was now beginning to evaporate, now that Christmas and New Years was over, and the date of the teenagers' departure back to school was nearing. Truth be told, nobody had ever seemed so dull and gloomy about returning to Hogwarts as they did now. The twins were still sorrowful about the fact that they no longer had Quidditch to look forward to, and not to mention, Kaya was gutted because she hadn't been able to play against them, since getting to know them properly - and now, she never will.

Furthermore, the term after Christmas was almost a signal that they would soon be facing their N.E.W.T exams, which even the thought of sent Kaya into some kind of stress-filled frenzy. She was already loathing the amount of revision she'd have to do, which came with the price of little to no free time. Kill her.

And then, on the last day of the holidays, as if the thought of school wasn't bad enough, the sudden suspicious appearance of Snape seemed to give them a reminder that this time tomorrow they'd be under the tyranny of Dolores Umbridge. Although, seeing her old Professor made Kaya be thankful for at least one thing - and that was her decision to drop Potions after O.W.Ls. Actually, she says her decision, but it wasn't really in her control. She failed the subject - there was no way in a million years Snape would even have considered to have her in his advanced classes, thank God.

It had turned out, Dumbledore wanted the Head of Slytherin to give Harry Occlumency lessons, poor boy. This seemed to have given Kaya a brighter outlook on everything - no matter how miserable you felt, at least you're not Harry. Actually, that sounded kind of mean... but, you get the point.

However, they soon got back into the routine of things like they always did.

And there was at least one thing brightening Kaya's mood, giving her something to look forward to...

"There's a Hogsmeade trip on the fourteenth of Feb," Fred said to her with a wink, as the two headed to Transfiguration. Kaya, of course, already knew this, but still couldn't hold back her grin when her boyfriend brought it up first.

"Oh, yeah?" she said, putting on a false frown. "Fourteenth of Feb... why does that ring a bell?"

Fred laughed and grabbed her by the waist, playfully hurling her into the air (Kaya letting out a surprised yelp) before kissing her cheek, and dropping her back to the floor.

SUMMER LOVIN' ✯ FRED WEASLEY Where stories live. Discover now