xxxi. The Last Time

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chapter thirty one | the last time


KAYA HAD BEEN curled up on her bed, frowning in concentration at her notes, trying to piece together some more lyrics. She'd started a completely new poem - and maybe it was the overwhelming feeling of going back to school, getting Head Girl, or finally sorting things out with Fred, but she'd been lost for words to write. She'd only managed one sentence,

My hair's wearing colours of five

She wasn't sure if it was the best. It was at first going to be 'my hair's in five different colours' but she soon realised not many things rhyme with colours - although, she was still struggling to write the next line, either way.

Kaya didn't know why she was finding it so difficult to write, she usually just let the words flow right out of her, and she'd put them together in a blink - but not today. Maybe it was just a bad day for writing.

She was interrupted by a call from a muffled voice downstairs, and joined the rest of the teenagers in the household in bounding down the stairs to greet Molly and Delilah (Jae's mum) who'd been out to get everyone's school books. Molly was also carrying a long package wrapped in brown paper, of which when Ron had grabbed, she'd told him,

"Never mind unwrapping it now, people are arriving for dinner. I want you all downstairs,"

But, in the moment she was out of sight, Ron didn't hesitate to rip the paper off in a frenzy, and admired his new broom with an ecstatic expression on his face.

They opened the door, to see Molly had hung two large banners, the first stating,


and of course, the second displayed equally as large lettering,


Kaya had laughed at first, still wondering what was going through Dumbledore's head when he decided to pick her for Head Girl. She'd done literally nothing, except play Quidditch. What was he doing when picking her, a lucky dip?

Molly was sweet though, making this much effort for not only her own son, but three other children, two of whom she'd only known since a few weeks into summer.

"I'm sorry, but why are you Head Girl?" said Alfie, as he and Jeremy made a rare appearance and ventured outside of their shared bedroom. "Dumbledore's worst decision ever, hands down,"

SUMMER LOVIN' ✯ FRED WEASLEY Where stories live. Discover now