xxx. Head Bitch In Charge

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chapter thirty | head bitch in charge


KAYA SPRANG BACK with surprise, her eyes wide and her cheeks rapidly turning red - much like Fred's.

The Weasley boy was just acknowledging what he'd done, a panicked expression appearing on his face - and for once, the two blabbermouths were lost for words. 

"Uh - yeah, you win," Kaya said with a nervous laugh. "That surprised me,"

Fred grinned sheepishly.

"Sorry," he said slowly, scratching his head. "I wasn't thinking-"

Kaya rolled her eyes, her grin widening - before she cupped his face and kissed him again. Fred was pleasantly shocked, and placed his large hand on the back of her neck, leaning in further.

They broke apart and froze, gazing at each other in both awe and glee - before breaking into a small laughing fit. Kaya's stomach was doing twenty flips a second, and Fred's heart was practically beating out of his chest - they were both a mess.

"Just for clarification," Kaya said, once they'd managed to stop giggling. "Are we... together now?"

"What?" Fred teased. "I don't know, are we?"


"But... if you want to be..." he said with a beam. Kaya stepped up on her tip toes, and flashed him a cocky grin, before saying,

"Yeah, go on, then,"

And Fred tied his arms around her waist into a tight hug, lifting her off the ground and into the air. She laughed into his shoulder, wrapping her own arms around his neck.


A cheer sounded, and Fred opened the door to find his twin eavesdropping on them - joined by Maisie, Jaeden and Milo.

"Fucking finally!" barked Jaeden, although he was wearing a satisfied grin.

"Yeah, it only took a year," Milo teased. Maisie shrieked and rushed forward, squeezing Kaya in an excited hug, which she returned, also squealing. Fred was looking extremely pleased with himself.

Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny all poked their heads out of their room in curiosity, wondering what on earth all this commotion was.

"What's going on?" asked Harry.

"What's going on? Fred decided to get a move on and actually managed to bag Kaya!" George said loudly, with a jolly look on his face.

"What a lovely way of putting it," said Maisie, pulling a face at him. Kaya's cheeks were still on fire, and she was trying her best to cool them.

SUMMER LOVIN' ✯ FRED WEASLEY Where stories live. Discover now