xiv. Dates?!

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chapter fourteen | dates?!



Kaya and Maisie has practically bounced over to Jaeden and Milo at Gryffindor table, sharing their excitement with them about the Yule Ball. They were, yet again, sitting next to the Weasley twins and Lee.

"I want it to be Christmas so bad," Kaya said. Her face was hurting from smiling so much. But everyone couldn't help but notice the fact that Jaeden was more on the downside.

"What's up, Jae?" asked Milo.

"How are we gonna get dates?" the boy said, glancing between his three friends. They all exchanged frowns. Fred George and Lee moved closer to them, becoming much more invested in their conversation at the mention of 'dates' and so looked to join in.

"By asking," George butted in with a grin.

"That should be the least of your worries," said Maisie. "We've got it easy - we're a group of four, two boys and two girls, what makes it more complicated than that?"

"Yeah," said Kaya. "Maisie'll probably go with Milo, and then I can go with you,"

Fred turned away at that point, but only for a moment. Jaeden hesitated for a second, moving his food around his plate with a fork.

"Yeah... but the Yule Ball is the only dance we'll probably ever have at Hogwarts. Which is why I wanna go with someone I love,"

"Oh, what? Like Alicia?" said Kaya sarcastically, putting on a high pitched voice. Maisie bit her lip, grinning.

"...Maybe I do love Alicia! She's smart, she's beautiful, and she's amazing!"

Maisie and Kaya exchanged smirks.

"Probably worth mentioning to her, then, mate," said Milo. "If that's how you feel,"

"Yeah, go for it," Fred chimed in, now, for some reason, more cheerful. "Worst you can get is a 'no' so what's stopping you?"

"I should, shouldn't I?" Jaeden said, although it sounded like he was trying to convince himself first. "What if she feels the same?"

"Seems fairly unlikely," said Kaya. Fred drank some pumpkin juice to stop himself letting out a laugh. George snorted.

"Do you think?" Jaeden said, eyes flicking between the group all staring at him.

"I'm joking!" Kaya said. "Go for it, it won't kill you. You never know, she might say yes,"

Everyone murmured in agreement.

"Okay," The boy said smiling. "I'll do it,"

SUMMER LOVIN' ✯ FRED WEASLEY Where stories live. Discover now