xxvi. Out of Touch

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chapter twenty six | out of touch



Kaya liked to think of herself as quite a patient person, but Walburga Black and her ear splitting screams was really pushing her limits - especially when everything she wailed was insulting practically everyone Kaya knew.

"Careful, Kaya's gonna punch a painting in a moment," Jaeden muttered to Fred, who was wearing a smirk at the girl's sudden outburst.

"I hate to admit it, but she scares me," George said.

"Nah, she's about as threatening as a kitten," Jaeden said casually, watching Fred walk over and drag the girl by her arm past the painting and downstairs with them. Alfie and Jeremy separated themselves from the group and headed to the room where they'd be sleeping.

"Kittens grow into cats, and cats can be vicious!" George said, he and Jae both joining the two on the first floor to greet Harry, who was loudly talking to Ron and Hermione in one of the bedrooms.

But, as Kaya and Jaeden opened the door, the twins vanished. They could only suspect the ginger ninja's were up to something that revolved around a prank - it did set the two on edge a little wondering what it would be, though - especially Jaeden, after being attacked with dungbombs last April.

"...But why would he want to keep me in the dark?! Maybe I could help! After all, I-I'm the one who saw Voldemort return, I'm the one who fought him-"

"Alright, greased-lightnin'," Kaya interrupted, although Harry continued his rambling to his two friends.

"Greased-lightnin'?" Jaeden muttered to her with a frown.

"His scar," she said, motioning a lightning shape with her index finger.

"-I'm the one who saw Cedric Diggory get killed-!"

Kaya froze, her face falling - and then the twins decided to apparate right behind Harry, causing everyone in the room to jump as they placed their hands on Harry's shoulders.

"Harry!" Fred greeted with a jolly tone.

"Thought we heard your dulcet tone," George grinned.

"Don't bottle it up though, mate," said Fred, as they sat down. "Let it out,"

Kaya and Jaeden exchanged smirks, before joining the rest of the group.

"Kaya!" Hermione smiled. "Jae! When did you get here?"

"Not long before Harry," Kaya replied, flicking her eyes between the trio. "How're you lot?"

"Alright," Ron shrugged.

SUMMER LOVIN' ✯ FRED WEASLEY Where stories live. Discover now