lii. Fire & Brains

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chapter fifty two | fire & brains


IT ALL GOT WORSE. Kaya was trapped in the maze for so long she'd lost track of time. Boggarts were appearing everywhere she turned, jumping out of corners and especially the parts where she'd thought 'I'll be okay here?'.

She felt as though she were going insane. Everything she saw, everything that appeared in order to give her a fright caused blood curdling screams to be let out from her throat. She had tears streaming down her face that she wasn't even aware of. She was shaking like crazy.

Kaya knew they were Boggarts — but the amount of things she was seeing all at once in this huge, pitch black room with a torturous amount of twists and turns was for sure turning her into a mad woman.

She was having a number of sights thrown at her whenever she turned a corner. Death Eaters, dead bodies of her friends and family, even Voldemort himself. But the things she were hearing? She wasn't sure if they were worse. The cries of agony from Jaeden and Alfie, the begs from her Fred, the echoes of Maisie and Milo sounding almost inhumane.

And whilst she knew they weren't even here, there was a small voice inside her head saying 'What if it is them?'

After all, she still didn't know where Jaeden had ended up. For all she knew, he could be in here. That could well be him screaming.

Kaya had thought she'd reached what could've been the worst possible thing for her to happen — but she was wrong.

Because it wasn't long before the real Death Eaters made their way through the Maze of Horrors, and the brunette found herself struggling with whether or not she had to use the riddikulus spell or something else.

She could not tell the difference between the Boggart Death Eaters and the real ones. She also couldn't distract herself from the agonising screams and bellows of her loved ones, bouncing off the walls and ringing through her ears. She was given a new shock every time she turned a corner, and Kaya felt it was a miracle she'd made it this far.

But she wasn't sure she was going to make it out of this maze alive.

She was losing her mind, slowly and surely.

"KAYA!" Diana's voice suddenly bellowed "TWO LEFTS — ONE RIGHT!"

Kaya didn't need to be told twice. If this was a trap, then it couldn't be any worse than what she'd just endured. She no longer had a concept of time — she might've been in here for hours, or just a few minutes, she wouldn't know.

And so, she sprinted further, taking two lefts and rushing past what could be either a Death Eater or a Boggart, before taking a single right.

A single right which brought her to a dead end.

SUMMER LOVIN' ✯ FRED WEASLEY Where stories live. Discover now