iii. Cruise, Marry, Kill

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chapter three | cruise, marry, kill


WHEN THE TIME CAME AROUND, the group joined many others in waking to the stadium, ready to watch the game.

Kaya, Jaeden, Maisie and Milo had all painted their faces with the Irish colours, the two girls having matching Irish flags on their cheeks and the boys pretty much painting random swirls on theirs with the Irish colours. They cheerfully walked around, holding up banners and waving around flags.

Kaya was distracted by a babble of voices coming from the group of people behind her. She could've sworn she'd heard a familiar voice talking with the family, but as she turned her head to see who it was she could hear, Jaeden had started talking to her about something.

The group finally came to a halt, although it wasn't for long, as they stood gawping at a large staircase in front of them.

"Shit a brick," said Jaeden.

"You'd think wizards and witches would be able to develop something that didn't make us have to climb stairs like these." said Kaya, as her mother tapped her lightly on the shoulder to start walking up.

"How far up are we going?" asked Milo.

"Quite far," his dad said. "But we'll be alright, it's a lot more than it looks,"

"Besides, it'll all be worth it in the end,"

"That depends on the game," Jaeden said to Kaya. "If Bulgaria win and it's a shitty game then I'm suing,"

"Me too," she muttered back, her back lowering even more every time she climbed a step.

After what felt like forever, the group reached their seats and started filing in, Kaya sitting next to Jaeden and having Maisie on her left, sitting at the end of the row. Milo took his seat on Jaeden's right.

"Your swirl is already smudged," Kaya told the boy, pointing to the paint on his cheek that had a long, green smudge trailing up the side of his face.

"What?" Milo replied, his forehead creasing.

"Your face paint," Kaya said a little louder. "Is already smudged!"

"Oh, bloody hell," Milo grumbled. "I always forget I have paint on my face and then I mess it up!"

Kaya frowned and tilted her head with a confused expression. "I can't hear you!"

SUMMER LOVIN' ✯ FRED WEASLEY Where stories live. Discover now