xxxii. Flamingo Woman

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chapter thirty two | flamingo woman


KAYA FOUND HERSELF currently sitting in the Prefect's carriage with Milo - surrounded by excited or nervous fifth years, as well as sixth and seventh years who, just like she had last year, wondered why they had to have another meeting, considering they already knew what they were doing.

Kaya's and Milo's job was to instruct the Prefects on what they'd be responsible for in the upcoming year - which was the same every year. Kaya took this chance to scan around and take note on who the new fifth year Prefects were.

Gryffindor was obviously Ron and Hermione. Slytherin was Draco Malfoy and, who she'd learned was, Diana Silverstone. Hufflepuff was Ernie Macmillan and Hannah Abbott, and Ravenclaw was Anthony Goldstein and Marianne Shipman.

Milo made the mistake of insisting Kaya to start talking first, and to introduce them both to the new Prefects.

"Hi - oh my god, I'm sweating already, I'm going so red, like literally, don't even look at me, I'm so nervous-!" She finished her tiny ramble with a squeal.

Ron and Hermione raised an eyebrow - they'd never met nervous Kaya before. Draco gave her a judgemental look and was about to open his mouth to speak, before Diana stomped on his to stop. The others nodded, her fellow Hufflepuffs flashing her supportive warm smiles, and waited for her or Milo to carry on.

"Right," said Milo, taking over - much to Kaya's relief. "So, to begin with - I'm Milo, this is Kaya. We're your Head Boy and Girl for this year. Basically, you'll have a meeting like this every year, now, on the Hogwarts Express, obviously just with a different Head Boy and Girl each time-"

"Yeah, but we're gonna be nice and try to not make your meeting too long because we know you want to be back with your friends," said Kaya - still talking a bit fast, but starting to calm down, now.

"So, as you have seen, Prefects are chosen in fifth year and carry on to seventh year, and your duties are basically to patrol the corridors, make sure all students are where they are supposed to be, keep them out of trouble, and so forth," Milo continued. He glanced Kaya's way to see if she wanted to add, but she nodded at him to continue.

"Uh... what else... ah, so, you're allowed to take House points away from other students - but, it must be for a valid reason. You can't go around stripping points from houses if they've done nothing wrong, and consequences could result in you having your position being taken off you-"

"Of course, we know none of you would use it to your advantage," Kaya added quickly, her eyes flicking between the new Prefects as though she was making sure they agreed. Diana eyed Draco at this moment, as though to emphasise Kaya's point to him. Ernie and Hannah nodded enthusiastically, as though signalling for them to continue.

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