xxxviii. Friends v. Friends

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chapter thirty eight | friends vs. friends


KAYA WAS TORN - and you could suppose Jaeden was, too.

Because Alfie and Jeremy were only second years - and considering the fact that the Defence position was cursed and so Umbridge wouldn't last longer than a year, they should be okay with only learning the theory at their age - they had the rest of their Hogwarts years to have better teachers to catch up with, so risking them getting into trouble and having them come along to (mainly) fifth year and above Defence lessons doesn't seem necessary.

But then, there was the return of Voldemort mixing it all up. Because nobody knows what this dark wizard will do next, and not to mention, that was half the reason Harry started up Dumbledore's Army to begin with, wasn't it? So perhaps it would do the boys good to learn some self defence - obviously Kaya prays they won't ever have to be put in a situation to use it, but if worse came to worse, maybe knowing a few extra spells might save them in the long run.

But if they were ever found out, he'd get into awful trouble and it would all be her fault...

And so, the lingering question burned itself into her brain: Does she bring her brother to the DA?

Kaya couldn't dwell on this too much, though, because Harry began speaking again.

"Right," he said. "Shall we get practising, then? I was thinking, the first thing we could do is Expelliarmus, you know, the Disarming Charm. I know it's pretty basic but I've found it useful-"

"Oh, please," Zacharias interrupted, rolling his eyes.

Kaya and Maisie exchanged irritated glances. Here we go.

"I don't think Expelliarmus is exactly going to help us against You-Know-Who, do you?"

"I've used it against him," said Harry. "It saved my life in June,"

Zacharias opened his mouth stupidly, the rest of the room sitting in silence (apart from the snicker from Maddie Jordan at Zacharias' face).

"But, if you think it's beneath you, you can leave," Harry added. Nobody moved.

"Okay," Harry continued. Kaya could visibly see how anxious he was feeling about all this. She couldn't blame him - she was a nervous wreck back in the Prefect's carriage, and that had way less numbers than this meeting. "I reckon we should all divide into pairs and practise,"

Everyone got to their feet, dividing up. Maisie grabbed Kaya's palm.

"Sorry, Fred," the red-headed girl joked. "Kaya's my girlfriend this session,"

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