xxv. Cruel Summer

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chapter twenty five | cruel summer


KAYA AND FRED were both entirely useless, and so, when the time came and they both left to go home, neither of them had spoken about their feelings for each other.

Jaeden thought he could speak for everyone they knew when he called them both pathetic when he visited Kaya for a day.

"Piss off!" she'd said in return, playfully shoving him. "We're both rubbish at that sort of thing, that's why it's taking forever,"

"Okay, but it is actually starting to get stupid now," Jaeden said. "I don't understand what's taking you so long - he likes you, you like him, where does it not add up?"

Kaya paused before shrugging.

"I don't know..." she began. "I feel like he might be holding out in case I say 'no' because, I don't know, he might think with all the stuff that's happened with... with Cedric..."

Jaeden's face softened at the mention of Kaya's close friend.

"...he might think I might tell him I'm not ready... I know I wasn't ever with Cedric in that way, but he might think I want to heal before I get into any relationships,"

"Has he told you this?" Jaeden asked.

"No, I'm just trying to think of reasons why it might be taking so long,"

There was a short silence.

"How are you, with the Cedric thing, anyway?" he asked, slowly, unsure if he was supposed to. Jaeden didn't know how to comfort people very well - if they were crying, it was easy, he could just hug them, but grief was a whole other thing. Was he supposed to bring it up? Was he supposed to ignore it? He had no idea.

"I'm okay," Kaya replied quietly, her eyes moving downwards towards her hands, twiddling her thumbs. "I honestly think it's gonna be worse when we're back at school. Not many things around here remind me of him..."

"...Well, it might be shit, but it'll get better as time goes on, I promise," Jaeden said awkwardly, neither of them making eye contact. They weren't used to being serious with each other, it was weird. "Plus, you have Maisie going through the same thing, and then, like five boys to cheer you up, so you've got the dream team to help you,"

Kaya let out a gentle chuckle.

"I do," she nodded, before straightening herself up, again. "Let's talk about something else,"

"Okay, when are you getting with Fred?"

"Something else!" Kaya emphasised with a laugh, hitting Jaeden lightly.

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