xv. Battle of the Shop

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chapter fifteen | battle of the shop



"Not yet,"

George and Lee both groaned.


"Because she was with all her friends!" said Fred. "I wasn't gonna do it in front of all them, was I?"

"Well, Freddie, if she gets bagged by someone else, don't get all sulky with me," said George.

"She won't- I mean- she might not- ah, shit, what am I gonna do?"

Lee huffed, crossing his arms.

"Well, we've got Transfiguration next, so you can ask her then."

"You'd better make sure he does, Lee," said George. "I can't deal with his moaning any longer,"

"Me neither," said Lee. "Sulky ass,"

Fred made a face at them, which they reflected back.

Kaya was already sat next to Cedric, deep in conversation, when Lee and Fred walked in.

"Look, there she is! Go ask her now!" Lee barked.

"No!" said Fred. "I'll do it later, I'm not doing it in front of Cedric,"

Lee rolled his eyes and sat down.

Throughout the lesson, Fred turned around to Lee and called over to him, or made faces at him. Kaya always glanced, incase he looked at her like he always did. She soon became aware that he wasn't even trying to look at her, not this lesson. He didn't glance her way once.

Kaya wondered why and, although she'd never admit it to herself, felt a little down because of it. Did he not like her anymore? Maybe as he'd gotten to know her he realised she was really annoying. She never shut up, as much as she wished she could. Maybe she's annoyed him all the way out of a potential friendship with her. The girl couldn't even remember the last time he'd winked at her... Shit!

Fred was too nervous about asking Kaya, and so he tried to ignore the situation for now. He didn't like this feeling - his default was really confident, so to feel anxious was perplexing. The ginger turned around and tried to keep his attention focused on joking around with Lee. He could notice out of the corner of his eye she was looking at him - don't look! If he made eye contact he'd be thinking about it for the next ten minutes. Even worse - he'd be getting his hopes up. Because Fred was sure there was absolutely no way she'd want to go with him. Not in a romantic way, anyway.

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