xiii. Dragons & Dances

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chapter thirteen | dragons & dances



"Shhh!" Fred and George hushed. They were all standing outside Defence Against the Dark Arts, waiting for Moody to let his previous class out so they could go in.

Kaya had just been informed that the first task would contain dragons. The twins' older brother Charlie, along with his friends and handlers, had just arrived to handle the dragons used for the first round, and it was safe to say, Kaya was astonished at the brutality for the very first task.

"Shit," Jaeden muttered. "Does Cedric know?"

Kaya shook her head. "I don't think so," she said. "I'll have to tell him,"


"Why?! So he doesn't end up six feet under in a coffin!"

"Well, yeah, I know, but like... isn't it kind of cheating? I know it's dangerous, but there's no way Dumbledore'll let someone die on us,"

"I mean, you can't expect me not to tell him," Kaya said, eyes flicking between the three boys. "Like... if Lee was in the tournament, you'd tell him, right?"

"Yeah, fair enough, you've got a point," said George.

"Thank you, George,"

"Does Harry know about the dragons?" Jaeden asked.

"I dunno if Ron told him, they fell out, didn't they?" said Fred.

"Have you told him?" asked Kaya with a raised eyebrow.

"...Not yet," The boy said, more quietly, waiting for Kaya's reaction.

"Unbelievable," she said, shaking her head. "So, you decided to tell us instead of the person who should probably have known first? And it's not cheating for him, is it? Technically he's already cheating, since he's fourteen,"

The three boys stayed silent, exchanging looks with each other, unsure of what to say.

"Well?" the girl said, glancing between them. "Are you going to tell him?"

"Yes, mother," said George, before receiving a wallop on the shoulder. Jaeden laughed.

"Don't mother me, I'm probably younger than you!"

"No surprise, there," Fred said in response. "You're tiny! No offence,"

"None taken," Kaya laughed. "When's your birthday?"

"April first," the twins said in sync.

"April Fool's Day," said Jaeden. "Makes sense,"

"Yeah, I'm younger," Kaya nodded. "May twenty-sixth,"

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