ii. A Candy Floss Favour

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chapter two | a candy floss favour


IT TOOK A LOT LONGER than fifteen minutes for Kaya and Maisie to get ready. Mainly because Kaya had started blasting songs from her favourite muggle film, 'Grease', and the two girls had danced around for at least ten minutes, before getting dressed.

Maisie didn't know anything about muggle movies, until she'd first slept over Kaya's in their first year. The two had gone through many, many films and musicals that night, much to Maisie's fascination. But their number one favourite was, and always has been, Grease. Even Jaeden and Milo ended up enjoying the musical as much as the girls did, and the group often broke into song when they were bored or just feeling cheerful in general.

Jaeden and Milo burst into the room whilst they were dancing to 'Beauty School Drop-Out' and sighed.

"You two haven't even started getting ready have you?" Jaeden said, crossing his arms.

"Nope," Kaya shook her head.

"Well, bloody hurry up because we need to as well, and we can't do it until you're done."

"'You've got the dream but not the drive!'"

Milo and Jaeden exchanged glances as the girls continued to jump around on the bed as they bellowed.

"'If you go for your diploma, you could join the steno pool!'"

"Don't deny you don't know this song, boys!" Kaya teased.

"See, it's not quite 'Grease Lightnin'' though. Besides, I don't even know half of what that meant," Jaeden said. Milo was about to explain, but instead he sighed.

"Let's go back downstairs,"

They shut the door, leaving the girls to get ready, and hoping that by the next time they'll come up to see them, the two will be dressed and ready for breakfast.


Believe it or not, the group actually managed to get to the Quidditch Cup on time.

They had reached their tent, after a large time spent walking, and everyone was trying to ignore the stitches in their sides and the pain their legs were in. But it was okay - their walking journey had come to an end, and Kaya was ready to collapse onto a sofa, and not do anything until the game.

"Ah, we really got the best place for a tent!" she said enthusiastically, scanning their surroundings. "Look, they're selling candy floss over there!"

SUMMER LOVIN' ✯ FRED WEASLEY Where stories live. Discover now