xxxiii. Pig in Pink

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chapter thirty three | pig in pink


OKAY, Kaya swears she's not crazy. Yeah, she'll dance until her legs fall off and she'll belt out a favourite song anywhere with no shame, but she's not insane, or anything (although Jaeden would beg to differ).

But, sitting in the Hufflepuff common room before going to bed made her rethink whether she was mental or not - because all she could think about was the lingering feeling that Cedric was present in his old seat by the fireplace.

Yeah, she and Maisie were definitely crazy.

"Cedric, if you're here right now, you're creeping me the fuck out," said Kaya, trying to sound as okay as possible as her eyes began to water and her voice broke. For fuck's sake, when will the crying stop? She was beginning to feel pathetic.

"He's definitely haunting us right now, just for the fun of it," said Maisie, who had streams from droplets already marked on her cheeks.

Kaya let out a sad laugh and a nod, as many tears spilled out from her eyes.

The Hufflepuff common room had a quiet atmosphere to it, which was eerie compared to the usual cheerful bubble of chatter. Cedric's group of friends were sitting in the corner, some with wet streaks down their cheeks, and some without. Yet they all wore the same sorrowful expressions as the group spoke to one another in a gentle mutter.

Kaya felt extremely selfish after noticing them. They'd spent every hour of everyday with him. They were as close with him as she was with Jae, Maisie and Milo, and she couldn't imagine the pain of losing one of them, she couldn't even bring herself to think about it - her whole world would come to a halt and never proceed move forward again. She'd be lost, forever, no doubt about it.

Yet here she was, still crying over Cedric as though she was the only person in the world to have lost him.

The brunette took a deep breath, her nostrils filling with the familiar earthy scent of the Hufflepuff plants scattered around the room. It spread a sense of relaxation through her body, before she exhaled, her eyes darting back to her red-headed friend.

"What are we like, Mais?" she said softly. Maisie shook her head, as the waterworks continued to flood.

"Insane?" she said with a weak smile.

"Yes, I'd say that," said Kaya, her eyes that were still sparkling with tears fixed on Cedric's empty seat, as though she was trying to find some kind of sixth sense that told her he was here and she wasn't going mad.

Perhaps it was the grief, or maybe it was a coping mechanism, but Kaya and Maisie were convinced their friend was here with them. And it was a comforting feeling that gave off the same warmth as a hug - because Cedric wasn't gone. He was very much alive, through memory and through love. They'd never even realised the impact he'd had on their lives, considering he wasn't even apart of their friendship group, and yet they missed him more than words could describe.

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